chapter three

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Sophies POV

The next morning I woke up even before the sun had risen. I was scared that somehow Alan, Sal, and Mike would come take me from my family again. I knew mom wanted me to go get her if i was scared but she needed her sleep. I began to cry and just sat up in my room. I turned the lights on and grabbed my notebook and began to doodle. 

I finally saw the sun come up and heard a door open and footsteps running down the stairs. I assumed it was Henry. I then heard another door open and more footsteps going down the stairs. My mom then opened my door and walked out to sit on my bed.

"How'd you sleep sweetie?"

"Good" I lied. 

"That's good. Why don't we go downstairs to eat breakfast? I think Will is making waffles. Also, you know Will isn't going to hurt you right? He's a good guy."

I nodded and climbed out of bed following after my mom.

The night before...

JJ's Pov

After closing Soph's door I walked across the hall to meet Will. 

"I'm exhausted." I said as I went in the closet to change my outfit. I put my hair in a messy bun and climbed into bed next to Will.

"She's terrified Will. I don't know how I'm going to make her feel safe here again."

"Are you sure you can handle this JJ? She's a fifteen year old with a lot of trauma. We should have talked about this."

"She's my kid Will. She came before you or Henry. She saved my life. I will do whatever it takes to make her feel loved again." How could giving her up even be a thought in his head. 

"JJ she's scared of me. How am I going to learn to love a kid who won't even get close to me?"

"You knew there was a possibility of her coming home one day. She will come around eventually. She's scared that these men are going to come back and kill her. I would be scared too. Just please try. You don't need to act like her dad, but I'm still her mom."

Will just nodded and turned around to put his phone down. I was upset with him and did not even want to look him in the eyes. She's my daughter. He knew if we ever found her she would come right back here to gain all the time she lost.

Fast forward present time...

After getting Sophie out of bed, I made it downstairs to see Henry eating his pancakes and playing with his toy cars. When he looked and saw Sophie he ran out and hugged her leg. She scooped him up and hugged him tight. I had been waiting for this moment since Henry was born.

Will looked at me and smiled. I think he realized that having Sophie around would more good than harm and Henry already seemed to love her. 

"Your mom told me you liked pancakes Sophie." Will said as he handed her a plate.

"Thank you Will. Are you guys sure that I can eat this? I mean, if someone isn't getting one because I'm getting two, I can give mine back."

I was about to respond when Will said

"I made plenty honey, don't worry."

I smiled and sat down with my pancakes.

"The team wanted to throw a little welcome home party for you Soph, at Uncle Daves house."

She smiled and said "Reallyyyy?" with pancake still in her mouth.

"Yes, how about we go to that tonight. We can go shopping and pick out some clothes for you."

"That sounds amazing. Can Will and Henry come too?"

Will smiled. I think he was already warming up to her.

Wills POV

At first glance, I thought bringing this girl back into JJ's life would not go smoothly. However, after seeing the way she felt bad for taking two pancakes and how she picked up Henry because he was her little brother, I think she's exactly what this family needed. Even if she was a little broken.

"Henry, let's go get dressed so we can go shopping for Sophie's room."

"Sissy's room?" Henry said as he jumped off his chair.

Sophie looked up from her empty plate and looked at him and then JJ and I.

"Is he allowed to call me that? I mean I just came home and-"

JJ cut her off.

"Yes baby, he's your little brother. Don't worry."

She smiled and looked relieved.

At the store...

The car ride went better than expected Sophie opened up to us a little bit and JJ started crying a little. Henry was so happy and he wanted Sophie to hold his hand. I'm glad they get along so well.

We decided to get Sophie a phone and computer as well as a bigger bed and new clothes. 

The second I handed her the phone and laptop she began to cry and tried to give it back. She didn't want us to feel obligated to give her nice things. JJ reminded her that as her mother she was entitled to spoil her daughter. Sophie picked out about two weeks worth of clothes and I ordered her a new bed online. The color f her room didn't bother her and JJ said she would just donate all the dolls she didn't need anymore. 

I honestly think Sophie is warming up to me. She still whispers when she talks to me and sometimes she almost calls me Sir but then stops her self and says Will. However now she gets a little closer to me. 

When we got home we all hung out on the couch. It was fun to have Sophie sho Henry her favorite board game. JJ pulled me into the kitchen to talk.

"You see? She's warming up to you Will. Look how good she is with Henry. Gosh, I missed her so much. My sweet little angel is all grown up. We need to get her to eat more Will."

I pulled JJ into my arms as she cried. I can't even imagine what JJ went through when Sophie went missing. I just wish I was there for her then. 

"Hey hey hey. Sh. No tears. She's home and everything is going to be ok. She will eventually gain the weight. It's all going to be ok."

Henry only being six years old did not understand much of what was happening but he understood enough to know his sister was home. Both kids seemed really excited to go to Rossi's. Sophie was especially excited to see Jack Hotchner.

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