chapter thirty

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Christmas eve around 10 pm...

Sophie's POV

Christmas Eve. Haven't had a Christmas in years. The feeling of happiness. First Christmas with an actual complete family. Well, almost complete. Baby still on the way.

"Soph, time for bed."

I groaned. It was only ten.

"I mean it, bed time peanut."


I got up and hugged Will, my mom, and Aunt Em who was spending the night in the guest bedroom because we were the closest family to her.

I brushed my teeth, already in pajamas, and crawled into my bed.

I stared at my ceiling for what seemed like hours. 

Thinking of my last Christmas.

Just me and my mom.

Flashback to 8 years ago...

3rd Person POV

"Here peanut, this is your last big present!"

"Oooo, it's sparkly. What's inside?"

"You're going to have to open it to find out."

Unwrapping the big sparkly box, Sophie could only imagine what it was.

"Is that a Barbie dream house?!?!"

"That's what it looks like."

"THANK YOU MOMMY! Can we pleaseeee open it right now?"

The small girl said with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes of course, remember we have fancy dinner later. You can wear your new dress."

Fancy dresses. Fancy dinner. Barbie dream houses.

Present time...

Sophie's POV

I stood up, not even realizing. I went straight to the box of old clothes in my closest. We were saving them in case mom had another girl. 

Here it is.

My red Christmas dress. Velvet with a white fluffy underlining. Big red bow. I wore it with a red headband and white stocking. Black fancy shoes.

I turned to the other half of my closest. Looking through my album. Pulling out the picture of me standing next to the dream house.

I remember how I would play with my barbies. Always making the family with three kids. A mom and a dad. Neither parent worked. Always staying home to watch the kids. The little kids being the best of friends.

How I always wanted my life. Happy family. Always saw it on TV. It was just me and my mom. She was always away for work. When I missed her the most I would play with my barbies. Pretend I was one of them.

Everything had come true. Well, the only reason my mom wasn't working was because of the new baby.

I was almost asleep when I heard something fall in the kitchen. Probably them setting up the gifts. Sleep Sophie Sleep. Like count sheep or something.


Happy family.

Will and Henry and the new baby.

My superhero of a mom.

The next morning...

I could smell the bacon. Cliche isn't it. Bacon and gingerbread on Christmas morning. And it was snowing. Barbie doll life. Picture perfect in a way.

I was trying to put a smile on my face and gather the strength to go downstairs and celebrate with my family. I was exhausted.

Ten minutes later I went down stairs to see everyone eating breakfast.


"Merry Christmas Bubba. Merry Christmas everyone."

"Merry Christmas."

"Breakfast kiddo?"

"No thanks Will. Not hungry. Actually... can I just have ice water?"

"Of course."

My mom looked at me funny. I just smiled and accepted the water. Making my way over to the couch to lay down.

"Didn't sleep?"

Didn't even have to even look up.

"No ma'am."

"Come here, let's wait for your parents and brother to finish eating."

I climbed onto her lap and in seconds I was asleep.

I felt someone shake me awake.

"Soph, time to open presents, you can nap after, Henry can't wait any longer."

"How long was I out?"

"An hour."

"You made him wait that long? Henry, open your presents."

He was thrilled.

Cars and trucks and trains and nerf guns and superheros.

I watched everyone open gifts. My mom even opening gifts for the baby. It was cute.

It was my turn. I was half asleep. 

I didn't ask for anything this year. I didn't need anything.

I had two gifts under the tree. Henry handed me the first one.

The roller skates I liked. I hugged Aunt Em and went to open the next one.

A DNA kit.

Oh no. 

"What's this for?" I acted stupid.

"I know you didn't want to know, so you don't need to use it until you're ready peanut."

"Thanks mommy." I hugged her and Will.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and playing around with out new gifts. Had a few dance parties and sing a longs. Jack came over.

"Merry Christmas babe."

"Merry Christmas love."

He got me a memories box. Stuffed animals, candy, bracelets. Stuff I had mentioned I liked.

I couldn't stop thinking. Thinking about that DNA kit. It was going to ruin my Barbie family. I didn't want to know. I was happy. He didn't want me. I don't want him.

Dinner was great. I cried from laughter and the food was amazing. Aunt Em had to leave after that.

I went to sleep lay in bed earlier. My mom peeked her head in to say goodnight.

"You don't have to take it. We can just throw it away."

"I know mom. Let's hang onto it for a bit longer."

"Ok. Whatever you want. I love you."

"Love you too, goodnight."

She closed my door.

Couldn't ruin my picture perfect Barbie family.


hope you guys are loving this book! i have so many ideas to keep writing! you should all go check out @klizaa she has a book about emily's daughter and i love it to much! have an amazing day loves!

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