chapter thirty six

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Four in the morning...

Sophie's POV

Stressed. Confused. Tired. Uncomfortable. 

I was sitting in the waiting room. Anxiously waiting for Em to pick me up. It was four am. I had been sleeping perfectly fine. Laying on the small couch in my moms hospital room. Being in a hospital never sat right with me. It always meant bad. 

Coming home after eight years and needing to go to the hospital. Bad.

Visiting mom when she got shot. Bad.

Getting sick. Bad.

Hospital equal bad. Always.

I tried to sleep. I was watching Michael before I went to bed. Making sure he stayed asleep for just a bit longer. And he did. I literally fell asleep to a baby. Why did I have to be terrified during my sleep? So terrified I had to ask Em to pick me up at four in the morning.

It was over Sophie. You were home. How could you be so crazy to think that three dead guys could take you again? 

Mom probably thought it was for attention. Bringing up the past because of this new baby. Acting like how Henry should be acting. 

I wouldn't blame her. That's what it looks like. 

"Did you grab all your things?"

"Yes I did. You should go back to the room with mom and the baby. She probably needs you."

"She is probably asleep. Plus, I know how much you hate hospitals."


em: Hey. I'm here.

"Dad, Em's here."

"Ok sweetie. Be safe. Text us when you get home. I love you."

"Love you too."

He kissed my forehead and I walked out to Em's car in the front. Henry stayed home with Aunt Penelope who was also staying with us. 

I got in the car not saying a word. She was going to be so mad. Say I was seeking attention. 

She began driving way in silence. 

"What was it about?"

!TW: sexual assault! "What happened two years ago. When they stopped being able to pry women into the house for sex..." I started to tear up. She would see the pain in my eyes. I really wasn't faking it.

"Oh pumpkin. I am so sorry. It's the hospital isn't it? The rape kit?"

I nodded. Trying to choke back my tears. 

She stopped at a red light and looked over at me. 

"Cry it out. Cry it out until you fall asleep."

I did just that. Cried and cried. Eventually making myself sleep.

Ten am...

I opened my eyes. Closing them instantly after the light shined through. 

She did not carry me last night! I could've walked!!

I laid in bed for a few minutes thinking of what I'm going to do today to avoid my mom. She was probably so mad. So was dad. Maybe he'll want to reverse the adoption. Can he even do that? Probably not but still.

I walked downstairs and it looked like they were getting ready to leave.

"Morning Soph."

"Morning everyone."

"We're going to the hospital, get dressed fast so we can go."

"I think I'm gonna let Henry spend one on one time with them. I'll go over and see Jack. We had plans today anyway."

"Sophie." Em gave me the death stare.

"Im serious, I'll text my parents."

She nodded as they walked out the front door.

I made food and called Jack. Since he had a car and could actually drive, he picked me up about thirty minutes later and we went to the park to play soccer. I hadn't told him what I was feeling but I knew he was going to ask soon.

"Why are you avoiding them?"

"Shhhh. I'm not."

"You obviously are. You've been waiting for that baby for forty weeks and now you just want to hang out with me."

"I always wanna hang out with you."

"Cut the crap Soph. What's wrong?"

"I had a nightmare last night. I felt like I was there again. Like it was happening again. But they're dead. This happened two years ago. I should be over it and now my mom probably thinks it's 'new baby syndrome'."

"She probably doesn't think that babe. She knows how much you hate hospitals."

"Yeah, but maybe this time it's different. Three kids is a lot. I'm no help to this situation."

"Please do not do anything stupid. Come one. Let's warm up."

He grabbed the cones and we started to stretch and get ready to play. 

Two hours later...

We were laying on the grass looking up at the sky. I had forgotten about all my worries. Until I heard a car horn.

"Sophie! Get your ass in the car right now! Let's go!"

Shit. Haven't checked my phone. I gave Jack a quick kiss before running to Em's car.

"What the hell were you thinking? Not answering the phone for two hours!?"

"I'm sorry. I was stressed and caught up in the moment."

"You had us all worried sick Sophie!"

"I said I was sorry."

"Now you're going to the hospital and you're going to stay there because you can't be trusted to stay alone."

I just kept quiet. Did she really just yell at me? Wow.

We got to the hospital and I grabbed my stuff. I looked like a sweaty mess. I plugged in my headphones and but my music on. Not willing to even look up at anyone. We went in the elevator and got to the baby floor. We got to the west wing and I sat down in the waiting room not even looking up from my phone. 

Dad walked out looking at me disappointed.

"I'll take that." He grabbed my phone out of my hands.

"Hey! No fair."

"When you learn how to answer it, you can have it back. Now come see your mom."

I stood up and walked to my room where I was greeted by Henry.

"Hey bud."

"Hiiii!" Seeing his face always made everything better.

I washed my hands in the small sink and my mom handed me the baby.

"Hi Michael. I'm a sweaty mess right now but you'll get used to it."

Everyone smiled. Dad told Henry that they were going to get food and Em went to the office so it was just me and my mom.

"Would you like to tell me what happened today?"

Oh no. I stayed quiet for a minute. Then I finally let it out. Nightmare. Attention. Em scaring me for yelling at me. My sweet moments with Jack. All of it.

She wasn't mad. She understood. She was my best friend. I don't know why I even hesitated.

Everyone came back and we ate dinner. Mom would be coming home tomorrow with the baby but the team had to leave for a case.

Em was our babysitter. I was too scared to stay home alone at night. So the nursed brought a cot and Henry and I fell asleep. I slept the whole night. 

Three dead guys can't hurt me.

Found (Daughter of Jennifer Jareau)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя