chapter five

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Two weeks later...

3rd Person POV

The house seemed normal again. JJ had used her off time to spend time with her family. Sophie saw Jack every two days and they felt like best friends again. They would play soccer and get ice cream and play with Henry and Hotch realized Jack seemed happy again.

JJ had noticed her daughter becoming more comfortable with Will, but she still kept her distance. Henry absolutely adored her and was always coming into her room. Sophie found him adorable and always let him in.

Unfortunately, it was time for JJ to go back to work. Sophie seemed worried as this would usually mean that she was sent to her grandmas for the summer but JJ told her that her and Henry would go to the BAU childcare program. Sophie was beyond excited to go because Jack would be there. However, Sophie knew she would miss her mom and that might cause her to panic some nights. She had gotten used to asking her mom for help if she couldn't sleep, but what if her mom was on a case.

Sophie's POV

I was nervous. I knew my mom would be in the city. I was also in a government building. I was safe. I'm pretty Jack's going to be there so I will have someone to talk to. It was still early morning and Henry was the only other one awake however, he knows he can't leave his room and make noise until seven.

I got up and brushed my teeth and showered. Henry and I had connecting rooms with a bathroom in the middle so I checked in on him and gave him morning hugs. We had become really attached to each other and every time I saw him all I could do was smile.

I had picked out my outfit the night before. A white shirt and high waisted black jean shorts. I dried and curled my hair putting it into two half french braids, leaving the rest of my hair to fall loose. I then did my makeup. I also put on my socks, I knew I would be wearing my boots today.

I then decided to go downstairs. My mom looked like her normal self if she were going on a case. Let me tell you something about my mom. She was blonde with light skin and blue eyes. I was tan with brown hair and light brown eyes. That's why I always wondered what my dad looked like. Mom said I look just like him. Anyway, the only thing we shared in common was our wavy hair. She was drinking her coffee and seemed to be making mine.

I drank the coffee my mom made me and Henry and Will came down the stairs ready to go. Will kissed my mom, grabbed his coffee and was ready to leave to work.

"First day back. Bye buddy, bye Soph, bye J."

"Bye Daddy"

"Bye Will"

"Bye Will. Have a good day honey."

He then rushed out the door still putting on his tie.

"Alright who is ready for BAU Camp?" My mom said in an effort to make me smile. I did of course. She seemed so happy to go back to work with her friends and I couldn't ruin that for her.

"ME!" Henry and I both said smiling while we left the house.

At the BAU...

Before walking into the BAU mom handed Henry his junior FBI badge that had his picture, name, department, and parent. She then handed me one telling me that she had mine made last week. I clipped it to my shirt and we walked into the elevator to get to the BAU floor. I hadn't been here since I was found and it was freaking me out. I said hi to Uncle Spence, Uncle Derek, Aunt Penelope, Aunt Em, and Uncle Dave before I started getting too overwhelmed. I started to have a panic attack.

I was crying and shaking and Henry and my mom had already gone off to say hi to Uncle Aaron, but I stood frozen in front of my mom's desk. I sunk to the floor and held my knees. It was too overwhelming. I needed my mom. Or anyone at this point. The first one to notice me was Uncle Spence, he dropped his bag and ran to me making sure not to touch me as I hated touch sometimes.

"Mommy or even Jack" Did I just admit to needing Jack?

Next thing I know my mom and kneeling next to me, eventually scooping me into her lap. I then felt calm enough to stop crying and shaking. I apologized to everyone for drawing so much attention. Mom made sure I was ok before they all walked into the conference room. Apparently Uncle Derek had dropped off Henry at the daycare thing. I walked into Uncle Aarons office and sat next to Jack on the small couch, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"How about today we just watch movies in here on my dad's big screen instead of going to the summer camp thing? I'll check with my dad, but I'm sure he'll be ok with it."

"Thanks Jack." I said before seeing everyone grab their go bags. My mom ran in the office with Uncle Aaron.

"Goodbye Soph. Call me if you need me. Or call Will. Our case is in New York. Should be home late tonight. Will will pick you up from here around six. I love you."

"I love you too mom. I'll be fine."

She kissed my forehead and ran to catch up with Uncle Spence.

Jack's POV

"Bye bud. Be good. Your Aunt Jessica will pick you up like normal. Should be home late tonight."

"Hey dad... Can Soph and I watch movies in your office today?"

"Yes of course. Make her feel as comfortable as you can. She's been through a lot."

Around 6pm...

Sophie's POV

I was dancing around to Mamma Mia with Jack when I got a text from Will.

"Hey munchkin, I'm downstairs. Already got Henry, come down :)"

Will really tried to make an effort and I was getting sorta comfortable. Sometimes his touch would scare me and when I had panic attacks I didn't want him near me. But he started calling me munchkin and that made me happy. I said bye to Jack and walked downstairs to see Henry telling Will about his day.

I hugged my little brother and hugged Will and texted my mom.

"Hey mommy, hope your case isn't too bad. Will just picked us up. Love you"

"Love you too peanut."

She hadn't called me that since I was seven. I smiled and when we got home we all ate dinner and got ready for bed.

Around nine, I could hear Will reading Henry his story and then he came into my room.

"Your mom is almost home, but goodnight Sophie. Sweet dreams kiddo."

"Goodnight Will. Thanks for being so patient with me."

"No problem" He said before closing the door.

Ten minutes later I heard the front door open. I then heard Henry's door open. Then mine. My mom opened my door and walked to my bed.

"Long day?" I asked laughing as she groaned while laying on my bed.

"Yes, but the bad guy is in prison so it was worth it."

I told her about my day with Jack and how we watched a bunch of movies I loved to sing and dance too, how we ordered Mcdonalds, and how we bothered Aunt Penelope a few times. I got too tired to talk anymore and she got up from my bed and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight peanut. I love you."

"Night. Love you too mommy." I yawned.

Today was good and I'm slowly starting to feel like I'm finally safe. I'm starting to think I love Jack more than my brain can process.

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