chapter twenty six

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Thanksgiving was the most stressful day of the year. I hadn't been home for Thanksgiving dinner in three years. I finally decided to matter the reason, I was taking the day off. It was Sophie's first Thanksgiving home and we were wither going to do Thanksgiving with the team at Rossi's if there was no case or dinner here with just us if they had to leave.

I woke up really early then remembered I didn't have to work. I couldn't go back to sleep but I didn't want to move so I just sat there thinking about Soph. About how far she's coming along. 

I got pregnant with her with I was at my lowest. I was the Liaison in the BAU and I was barely getting paid. TW I was majorly depressed and thought there was no point in living. One night I decided to go to a bar and get completely wasted. I ended up meeting a guy. 

Two weeks later I find out I'm pregnant. It was all very chaotic. He wanted nothing to do with her and ended up changing his identity and moving and I decided I shouldn't want to raise a kid with him. 

I contemplated for weeks before finally deciding that I wanted to be a mom. I knew it maybe wouldn't be the right time as I was trying to become a profiler and that was really a dangerous job. 

Nine months later my baby girl was born. She saved me. Seven years later she got taken from me again. Then I met Will. I told him I didn't want to have kids until Sophie was found. I didn't want her to feel like I never cared and just moved on and replaced her. This meaning Henry was a... surprise. 

Fast forward now and the best friends and baby number three is on the way. These kids could not have a better father. Will is my best friend. I really don't know what I would do without all his help. 

After snapping out of my trance I decided to head downstairs. I got a call from Em saying there were actually no cases. Maybe serial killers also took the holidays off. This means I only had to cook the one dish we were bringing to dinner. Mac and cheese.

I made coffee, hot and iced for when Sophie wakes up, sat on the couch and watched TV until henry came down to join me.

Sophie's POV

I woke up to the sound of laughter. I had gone to bed at 4 so I was not ready to get out of bed. However, I was starving.

I really wanted to see Jack. I mean, i knew Iw as seeing him tonight regardless but I was still missing his hugs. I put on his hoodie and my new Christmas socks and headed downstairs.

When I got there I heard the TV and just assumed it was Henry. I went to the kitchen to see that there was coffee and toast for me on the counter. I peeked my head into the living room to see that my mom was also in there. 

"Morning sweet girl. Happy Thanksgiving."

"Good morning. Happy Thanksgiving."

"Sissy, come watch Frozen with us."

"Coming. I need to get my coffee and toast."

I finally sat on the couch and snuggled next to my little brother watching the movie under the warm blanket. About thirty minutes later Will walked in the living room.

"Y'all are watching Frozen without me?"

We laughed and finished watching the movie as a family. We watched three more moving before finally getting up and ready for the day.

I went upstairs to shower and heard tears coming from Henry's room. I bursted in the room to see that his lego house's second story had come off.

"Sophie look! I broke it!" I hugged him and told him not to worry.

"Look Henry, it goes right back together."

"You're the best!"

Right when I said that my mom opened the door.

"Everything ok in there?"

"Look Mommy! Sissy fixed my toy!"

"She's the best isn't she?"

He nodded and I went to return to my shower.

I ended up wearing a nice maroon skirt and white top and wore white flats. I let my hair dry before asking my mom to braid it. She braided it into a braid crown and we started to pack up to leave. Earlier in the day my mom and I had made the mac and cheese to bring to dinner.

When we got there we were obviously the last ones there.

"My pumpkin!"

"Hi Aunt Em! I'm almost 16." I said with a big smile.

"Ugh don't remind me."

I saw Jack and we talked and it was time for dinner.

Everyone gathered at the huge table we always had set up. At this point we had assigned seats without noticing. We all went around saying what we were thankful for I said

"Well, first of all I'm thankful for my momma. I love her so much. I'm thankful for my best friend and little brother. I'm thankful for Will for treating me like his own. I'm thankful for Jack or always being there for me. I'm thankful for Penelope Frickin Garcia for saving me. I'm also thankful for everyone one of you for being the best family ever."

Everyone cheered and we started eating. The food was SO good. this team could sure cook.

By the end of the night the adults were talking, Henry was watching a movie on his iPad, and Jack and I were laying at the cold grass looking up at the stars.

"We're almost 16 Soph."

"I know. It feels like the first birthday I've had since I was seven. I should be turning eight."

"I'm glad we can be together to celebrate."

"16 Jack. 16."

"It's been 11 years without my mom. I miss her. I hope my dad misses her too. I know she'll always be his soulmate."

"Of course he misses her Jack. I miss her too. I remember the day that you guys were held hostage. I remember my mom coming home and when the babysitter left she sat me down and told me. The problem is... I understood at age four. I understood that a serial killer was after your dad. I understood it could happen to us. It did. I lived through that. 8 birthdays. 8 birthdays in living hell."

"Have you talked about that with the therapist recently? Like the kidnaping?"

"She tried to being it up but I change the subject. I can't deal with it anymore. I just want my mom to hold me and tell me it's all going to be ok. But I'm almost 16. I need to learn to deal with these problems now."

"It's ok to need help cutie."

"I know."

We went home around midnight. A week until my birthday. I'll be moving up a division in soccer. Woah.

I finally went to sleep around two. I had been watching TV and talking to some friends. My mom came in to check on me around one. Seeing her smile when I smiled just made my heart happy. 

My mom deserved nothing but happiness. 

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