chapter fourteen

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I was shook awake by Emily after what felt like ten minutes of sleep.

"JJ, there's another body. Garcia got a lead. She got a phone number of someone leading the location. We gotta go."

I didn't even have time to brush my teeth. I put on my shoes, already being dressed in clothes for the field.

I was exhausted. I checked my phone. Two missed calls from Will. It was 7am. They were just getting to school and such. What was wrong? I called him right away.

"Hi." A small voiced answered the phone.

"Hi Henry, it's Mommy. Can you give Daddy the phone he was trying to call me."

"No mommy that was me. I wanted to say hi."

I giggled. "Henry how did you know how to call me?"

"It said JJ and I know that's your name."

"You are so smart buddy. Well, Mommy has to go work. I should be home soon. I love you. Are you still in the car?"


"Tell your sister to call me Henry. Tell Daddy I love him. Bye buddy."

"Bye mommy."

About ten seconds later I got a call from Sophie.

"Good morning Mom."

"Good morning peanut. I should be home tonight or tomorrow morning I hope."

"Yay. I start club soccer tomorrow. I'm so excited. Jack and I practice on the same field."

"I'm so proud of you. I gotta go. Tell your dad I love him. Bye Soph."

"Bye mom. Good luck."

I hung up. Clutching the phone. It's so hard to be away from your kids when you know the world isn't safe.

Sophie's POV

I woke up so happy. I was on my way to school already and I had forgotten to text Uncle Spence that his method worked.

"hey, i slept great, thank you for all the help."

"Good, I'm glad. Tell me if you need anything else kid. I'm always here."

I smiled turning off my phone when we got to the office. I hugged Henry and then dad and skipped to the elevator.

Someone's POV

7:34. William pulls up to the BAU office with the children in the car.

7:36. Sophie gets out of the car and goes into the building.

7:38. William gets on the phone.

7:40. William drives away.

Sophie's POV

I got inside the office with ten minutes to spare. I walked into Aunt Penelope's office and she was on the phone. I assumed it was about the case.

"Trying to track the call now... I HAVE AN ADDRESS! 549 Marigold Road. It's being sent to your phones now!"

"Seems like they're gonna catch him."

"Oh! Sophie don't do that you scared me!"

I laughed. "Sorry... didn't mean to come out of nowhere."

"They should be home soon, I think they're gonna catch him now."

"Yay. Have a good day Aunt Penelope!"

I walked out of the room and went to see my tutor. She smiled as she was gathering her papers. I got a text from my mom saying that she would be home soon so she would bring me home from the office.

Around 5pm...

After waiting around the office for two hours, the jet finally landed and they were on their way inside. I saw the elevator door open and six tired agents walked out carrying their go bags.

My moms face went from tired to happy when she saw me. She opened her arms and said


I hugged her and the rest of the team before she put her paper work away and we left home.

Someone's POV

5:23. BAU team enters the office. Jennifer Jareau is included.

5:37. Sophie and Jennifer Jareau exit the BAU office and get to their car.

5:41. Pull out of the parking garage.

6:07. Arrive at their home.

6:13. Exit car, get in house.

Sophie's POV

It made me happy to see Henry's face when my mom walked in. I mean, he's only five. He still loves to be held and just be with my mom all the time. Dad was cooking dinner and I decided to shower.

I called Jack before and we talked about our days. I was excited for club soccer tomorrow. He was spending time with his dad because it was a rare occasion for him to be home. I showered and went downstairs to see my family starting to eat dinner.


"YES!" Henry said with a mouthful of pasta and marinara sauce all over his face.

We all laughed and I sat down and began to eat. I had a weird feeling that someone was watching me, but I ignored it knowing it was all in my head.

It was Wednesday so we couldn't stay up watching movies. We watched Toy Story and then Will and my mom went upstairs to tuck in Henry. I waited patiently downstairs when I heard a noise from the side yard. I looked but no one was there. I shrugged it off.

"Hey, ready for a more...mature movie?" My mom said laughing before plopping herself next to me on the couch.

"Mean Girls?"

"Good choice. You know your Uncle Spencer thought I was a mean girl in high school."

"Blonde.. skinny... soccer player... yeah probably."

"Hey!" She said while tickling me. Before the movie started we talked about soccer, and my drawings, and TV shows and music and Jack. I loved to talk about him. He had already called to say goodnight because we were both having family nights.

Having someone to understand your family situation really was a good thing.

We watched the movie and dad joined us. Around ten, we headed upstairs and said goodnight. I texted Uncle Spence about the noises and how I felt someone was watching me and he sent back some scientific shit.

I put on my music and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I didn't want my mom to think I was crazy though. Finally around midnight I was tired enough to stop fighting it.

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