chapter nineteen

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Saturday morning...

Sophie's POV

I was sitting in some type of white room. Looked like a room in the BAU office.

"You're going to be ok. Breathe." A random voice said.

All of a sudden, I hear shots being fire. I try to find the door to the white room but it blends in too well. A screen pops down. I see my mom and Will and the team. Henry and Jack as well. They were getting killed.

I shoot up in my bed. Terrified. I don't want to go to my mom room. I'm too old for that. I check the time. 3:45. UGH.

I lay in bed thinking of all that's good in my life trying to distract my mind. I need to talk to someone. I knew exactly who would still be awake.

"Hi Sophie. Is everything ok?" A very concerned Hotchner picked up the phone.

"Hi Hotch. Yeah. All is good, well, I just don't want to wake anyone up and I know you never sleep so."

I could hear him laugh through the phone.

"That's right. Bad dream kid?"

"Yeah. I had to watch everyone die. I was left alone. I can't end up alone. Not again."

"I know I know. We're all safe Sophie. No one is going anywhere. No one. We're all here forever. I know you don't tell me as much as you used to, but I'm always here Jareau."

"Thank you. Do you know if Uncle Spence is still up?"

"He is. Get some sleep. I love you kiddo."

"Love you too."

He was still awake. I should call him. No. He doesn't want to hear from you. Or maybe he doesn't know what happened. Call him Sophie. he deserves to know.

I picked up the phone.

Calling Uncle Spence...

Here we go.


"Hi Uncle Spence." I said in a low voice.

"Everything ok Soph?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to apologize. For you know... acting out today. I just don't want to like drift from you. You're my godfather."

He could hear me starting to cry.

"Hey hey hey. It's ok. I forgive you. I know you were hurt. I love you kid. Later today you'll get properly to Anna."

"O...k... I love you too."

"Ok, now go to sleep. You're 15. You need at least 7 hours."

"Ok Uncle Genius. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Sophie."

Six pm...

The day had gone great. I told mom about my 3am phone calls. She made waffles for lunch. I didn't wake up early enough for breakfast.

Henry and I played trucks outside. He liked how I made a tunnel in his sandbox. Mom and dad worked a lot today. Which meant I hung out with Henry. I wasn't complaining. I loved him. He is just SOOOO energetic.

I had showered to get ready for Uncle Dave's party. Mom, dad, and Henry were getting ready so I could take this time to really focus on me.

I put on some loose black pants and a cute white top. I put on my white converse and put my hair in a loose braid with a ribbon. I did my makeup and texted Jack. I missed him. We facetime all the time. I like him a lot.

We got in the car and started heading to Uncle Dave's. I was nervous. I was so zoned out looking out the car window that I didn't notice my mom trying to get my attention.

"Peanut... Soph. Sophie. You ok back there?"

"Huh? Sorry mom. I'm fine. Can't wait to see Jack."

"But nervous to meet Anna?"

"Maybe... can we maybe leave a little early. I'm so tired."

"Yeah of course. Let me know when you're ready to leave."

I nodded, zoning out again.

When we got there, Henry ran inside. Will ran after him. Mom and I walked in at our own pace. She squeezed my hand twice. I squeezed back once.

"Hey, as soon as you wanna leave just tell me. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Ok mom. I'll tell you."

That's the moment I saw him. Jack. Gosh he was so cute. I ran to him. Basically tackling him.

"Hey the teenage lovebirds have reunited!" Uncle Derek says while he hugged my mom. I said hi to everyone and we sat down for dinner only missing Uncle Spencer and his new girlfriend.

A few minutes later I saw a girl with short black hair, freckles and green eyes. I was sitting in between my mom and Jack. I grabbed my moms hand squeezing it once. I was nervous. She said hi to everyone and Uncle Spence made his way over to me.

"Anna, this is my goddaughter Sophie and my godson, her little brother, Henry."

"Hi kids. Wow, Sophie, you are stunning girly. I've heard so much about you."

Couldn't say the same about you.

I smiled. Tears forming in my eyes. I hated change. I was happy for him. But I hated change. After eating, I excused myself. Jack taking off after me.

"Hey. What's wrong cutie?"

"I'm ok Jack. Just got a little nervous. I don't like change."

"Everything goes back to normal next week. Soccer, school, BAU. It's all gonna be ok."

I hugged and then kissed him. He went back inside to finish dinner but I stayed out. I wanted to go home. I was so tired. I laid down on the couch. Eventually falling asleep.


After around 30 minutes of Soph being outside alone I decided to check on her. I walked to the couches to see her asleep. She must be so tired. My poor baby.

I walked back into the house. I needed her to get some sleep tonight. I'm gonna sleep in her bed so she sleeps through the night.

"Hey babe. The baby is asleep. I think it's time we call it a night."

"Yeah of course."

He knew how stressed I had been with her. She needed to feel comfortable again.

"The baby? Henry is right there J?" Morgan said.

Before I could say anything Will, Emily, and Hotch began to speak.

"Sophie." They all said.

"She's my forever baby." I whispered to myself.

When we got home. I changed her into pajamas. Making sure to take her makeup off and changing her into the pajamas she had laid out. I cuddled up next to her and she grabbed my shirt. I kissed her forehead and drifted off to sleep.

She had already started with a nightmare around 12. I woke her up and reminded her she would be ok. This was going to be a long night.

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