chapter eleven

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The next day...

Sophie's POV

I woke up feeling way better. I opened my eyes to see my mom still sound asleep. I heard whispering in the kitchen and I saw what I thought was breakfast. I didn't want to get up but I was starving. I kicked my legs over the side of the couch and pulled myself up. When I walked into the kitchen Henry was eating chicken nuggets. What time was it?

"Morning sleepyhead. How are you feeling?"

"Way better. What time is it?"

"Two forty five pm. I'm glad you got your rest. I'm also glad your mom is sleeping."

He handed me iced coffee that was in the fridge and I sat down next to Henry.

"Sophie, can we play soccer today?"

"Sure buddy, after I eat, I'll get dressed and we can go play."

I loved having a little brother. He was so sweet and he just loved to play. It was fun to be a little kid with him sometimes.

After eating the toast that Will made I walked up stairs and changed into a shirt and some shorts. I put my hair up and I put a headband on as well as my sneakers. I got into soccer when I was really little because my mom used to play soccer.

When I got back to the kitchen my mom was up and drinking her coffee and Henry was waiting by the door with the soccer ball. I hugged my mom and then went outside.

We played for about an hour before Henry got bored so we went back inside. He played with trucks and I went to my room. I showered and changed into comfy clothes before laying in bed and putting music on. I got a text from Jack saying

"hey, how are you feeling?"

I responded quickly

"good thanks :)"

"good enough for me to stop by? i'm bored and my dads at the office."

Just before I was about to respond my mom walked in.

"Uncle Dave is throwing a party tonight. Feeling up for it?"

"Yeah. Oh and mom, can Jack come over for a bit?"

She said yes and I texted back about the party and such. He would get picked up before then.

About thirty minutes later there was a knock at the door and I ran downstairs to greet Jack. We sat and just talked about movies and shows and we even watched Mamma Mia. It was then time to start getting ready so Hotch picked him up and I got dressed.

I put on a pretty sun dress and did my hair in two loose french braids. Putting on nice sandals and grabbing a cute purse.

We all got in the car and started to drive to Uncle Dave's. It was a quiet car ride. Henry on his iPad, me on my phone, and the adults having a quiet conversation about work.

We got there and Aunt Penelope was already drunk. We were one of the first one's there so Uncle Spence entertained Henry and Aunt Penelope, Em, and my mom talked. Will and Uncle Dave were talking about work while they cooked. Jack wasn't there yet. He was running late. I was so bored.

Thirty minutes later and everyone was finally there. Everyone was on the makeshift dance floor until dinner was ready. I wasn't really hungry so I picked at my food before excusing myself from the table and going to the bathroom. I felt the urge to throw up. Not because I was sick, But because I didn't want to eat.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Wow. Did I really gain that much weight? I snapped out of my trance when I heard a knock at the door.

"It's me Soph. Are you ok?" Oh. It's my mom.

"Yeah I'm ok mom. Just not hungry."

"Guess it's just the bug you had."

I left the bathroom and went back to see everyone back outside. I covered my stomach with my arms and sat down on the couch alone. I started playing on my phone until Em came and sat next to me. She didn't seem drunk like usual. Just concerned. I knew she would ask and I didn't really mind telling her. She would figure it out eventually. I mean, she was a profiler.

"What's wrong pumpkin?" She used to call me that when I was little. It was kind of the team name because I would always get way too excited for Halloween.

"Em... do you think I've gained too much weight since I've gotten home? I just feel so fat and I need to stop eating."

"Sophie, no, honey, don't say that. The weight you are gaining is healthy weight. You weren't being fed enough for eight years and now your body is just gaining it all back. You are perfect just the way you are. Is this about a certain someone?"


"He likes you. I can see it. You do not need to change yourself for him pumpkin. Ok? I love you. Go have fun."

"I love you too, Aunt Emily."

Did she just say Jack liked me? I mentally squealed and then I saw my mom walking over.

"Hey beautiful, come dance. Henry was asking for you."

I took her hand and went to dance with the entire BAU family. I was so happy. Finally it was late so Henry fell asleep on the couch outside The adults were all talking by the fireplace and Jack and I were sitting alone.

We were talking about our feelings and how excited we were to see each other eight years. We talked about when we were little and how our parents said we would get married. We talked about his mom. And how much I loved her. She died when Jack and I were little. He always thought of my mom as his second mom after that.

We were laying on the grass staring at the stars far away from everyone when Jack sat up suddenly.

"Hey Soph, did you ever realize how we didn't see each other for eight years and we somehow still are best friends?"

I sat up too.

"It's almost as if nothing ever changed."

"Almost as if we were meant to be."

Right after he said that I felt cold hands touch my chin. I then felt the softest lips touch mine. We kissed for a few seconds before he pulled away.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I-"

I cut him off by kissing him again.

"Don't apologize."

He smiled and I heard my mom call me to get to the car. I hugged everyone and Jack said he'd call me when he was home.

When I got home I jumped into bed and called Jack to say goodnight.

"Goodnight shorty. I'm gonna stop by tomorrow for a little bit. Just so we can talk about, you know?"

"Night Jack. And yes, of course."

I hung up feeling worried. Did he think it was a mistake? No, I think he likes me. I smiled and my mom walked in.

"Why are you bright red?"

"Jack and I kind of kissed and he wants to talk tomorrow and I think he likes me and-"

"Woah slow down peanut. He kissed you? My baby had her first kiss?"

"Yeah and it was great."

She smiled and we said goodnight. Will came in to say goodnight and give me a hug before they both went to bed because they had work early in the morning and I had school. Only a half day though.

I went to bed happy. Jack really did like me back.

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