chapter sixteen

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Four am...

Someone's POV

I could see her in the window. The girl that had made me so lonely and worthless for eight years. Th girl that my father would call his daughter. The one that got more attention. The hostage.

She was sleeping with her mother next to her. How was I going to grab her? She needs to be held accountable for taking my father from me. Sal Gransey. Killed himself because her aunts and uncles were going to arrest him. I killed the security guard that was guarding the garage with an injection. I stole his outfit. I walked inside.

The other guards didn't notice. Made my way upstairs. I opened the door. Jennifer slowly woke up. I ensured her that I was only checking on their safety.

When she went back to sleep I picked up the child, relieved that she stayed asleep. I walked back out to the garage and walked through the woods to my parked car.


I woke up quickly after hearing the garage door from under me. I opened my eyes to see Sophie was not next to me. I panicked. I called a guard.

"Jennifer she has to be here somewhere we have top security."

I ran to wake up Will and Hotch and we searched the whole house and still no sign of her.

"Ma'am we found a dead and naked guard outside. Someone must have taken her. We already have a search team blocking the roads ad searching the woods."

The world was spinning. She was gone. Again. She just got home.

I collapsed in Will's arms sobbing.

"I'll update the whole team. This is an open case. We can't stop until we bring her back to safety." Hotch said grabbing his phone.

"There was a car about half a mile away from here. We have guards in waiting. It's probably our guy. Just need to be patient and hope that Sophie doesn't wake up."

I sighed with relief. My mini me was a heavy sleeper. I just wanted her home.

About thirty minutes of long waiting... they had a view of the man with my daughter in her arms.

Someone's POV

This girl is going to pay for all the suffering and loneliness she caused. I'm nineteen. I was always an outcast. Even when she got home from being treated like a worthless bitch she gets tons of attention. I'm the one who is going to get the attention now.


She jolted awake realizing where she was. She didn't even try to get out of my arms. Huh? Did she want to go with me?

"I'll kill her! Drop the guns!"

I took out my knife and help it up to her neck. She was now standing. Shaking and crying like a little baby.

"We know who you are Samuel! We know that your dad was killed by his brother because of us catching them! But you can change! Now put the knife go and release the girl! " A woman with long dark hair said.

"Emily please!" The girl cried.

I didn't want to let her go. I've been wanting my revenge for years. She must go down with me.

"Aw little girl is crying to her mommy just like she did when my dad beat her."

I could see her mom's face. She dropped her gun. Her crying face was priceless.

I was too focused on that when the small girl crotched down under the knife and ran to an agent I hadn't noticed. I had nothing else to live for.

Sophie's POV

The gunshot didn't even phase me. I was too focused on being safe. The feeling of running to my mom was indescribable. She grabbed me holding me as tight as she could. How could this happen for a second time? The world was out to get me.

Uncle Derek carried me all the way back to the safe house. The sun was starting to come up and Jack was patiently waiting on the couch. When I locked eyes with him I ran and we basically tackled each other to the ground.

"Thank goodness you're safe. I didn't know what I would have done with knowing that we were in the same house when you were taken."

We talked a little more before I noticed myself beginning to not pay attention to what he was saying. I was having a panic attack. I needed my mom. Or Will. Or Aunt Em. Someone.


I was filling out paperwork at the kitchen counter when I could hear Jack starting to panic.

"JJ! Will! Dad! Emily! Sophie is having a panic attack!"

I got up as fast as I could. Grabbing onto my baby.

"Ok peanut, follow my breathing."

When she was finally back to normal I finished my paper work and it was about 6:30. Will and I decided to go home and get some sleep. Hotch and Jack also left the safe house. I had the next few days off to make sure Sophie was ok.

We finally got home and since Henry had slept through it all, he was energetic as could be. I called a friend of mine that had a son his age and she said she would definitely watch him so we could get some sleep.

She picked him up about 15 minutes later and he was very excited. I said thank you and went inside to see Will sitting on the couch asleep and Sophie laying on him asleep as well. I snapped a quick picture before sitting on the other side of the couch and falling asleep.

We woke up around eleven and Sophie and I had around an hour chat with Will about what happened. I knew she was scared but she knew it was over. Henry didn't come home until around 6. We ate pasta, Soph's favorite meal, then Sophie read Henry his bedtime story and she went to lay down in her bed. I knew in about thirty minutes she would come into our room and Will knew too.

At 10:30 she came to hug me and told me she was scared. I nodded and followed her back to her room where I made sure I had a tight grip on her as we slept.

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