chapter one

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"Sophie, wake up, it's 7 and they're expecting a full breakfast today." Hayley whispered as she shook me awake. I jumped out of bed and grabbed her arm as I raced down the stairs. Fear of what would happen if I had even stayed a second longer. Hayley, Brianna and I began to cook in a kitchen we were way too familiar with. All of us dreaming of the possibility to just go home.

Flaskback to 8 years ago...

"Soph, you're going to be late for the bus! Hurry up sweetie!" A young Jennifer Jaraeu said as she finished packing her 7 year old daughter's lunch.

"I'm coming Mommy." Sophie said as she ran down the stairs with uneven pigtails. JJ giggled at the sight of her daughter trying to do her own hair.

"Let me fix that honey." JJ said with a smile as the first grader was putting on her shoes. 

As JJ finished her hair she grabbed Sophie's backpack and walked to the front door.

"Now you promise me you're going to be the best you can be at school today Soph."

"Yes Mommy. Say hi to Uncle Spencer and Uncle Aaron for me!"

"Ok sweet pea. I love you!" 

"I love you moreee."

JJ did not know her daughter did not make it to the bus stop until she was sitting at the conference table at the BAU listening to their newest case when she got a phone call from the little girls school verifying that JJ new her daughter was absent.

"Hello, this is Jennifer Jaraeu. Who am I speaking with?"

"Hi this is Sunshine Elementary School. I am calling to verify that Sophie Jaraeu is absent today."

"Um, no, that can't be right, I sent her on the bus this morning."

"Well, ma'am she did not make it to school nor the bus. I can see her on the bus attendance that she was also absent at her stop. You may want to contact the police. Goodbye ma'am please call the school with updates."

The other agents stopped paying attention to the case as JJ dropped the phone and began to panic.

"What's wrong JJ? Who was on the phone?" Reid asked with a puzzled and worried look.

JJ began to sob as she ran to grab her phone again.

"Garcia put out an amber alert. Sophie didn't make it to bus or school this morning. Hotch! Ah! Someone call the cops! My baby... She's gone!" She began to scream with terror.

"JJ calm down maybe she just walked back home if she was late for the bus and she's there now."  Morgan said as he tried to reach over and grab JJ's phone.

"No! Not possible. I left an hour after her bus would have even left. She's missing. Aaron. Please."

"Ok ok. Garcia, call Dallas and tell them that we had a BAU emergency. Emily and JJ go back to your house and circle the area. Reid and Rossi contact local police. Garcia put out and amber alert. Morgan and I will also circle the area." Hotch said as the agents began to scurry.

JJ would be in for terror as she found the small girls lunch box by the bus station with no trace of her daughter.

Fast forward to present time...

I began to snap out of my trance when I heard screams coming from upstairs. I knew they had taken another innocent women. They came down for breakfast and did not say a word or make eye contact with us as they ate. 

After, Sal, the oldest brother, yelled at us to clean the house or he would kill us. We began to clean in fear of never seeing our families again. I began to wonder about my mom. Was she still single and working for the FBI? Did she still live in the same house? Does she still have my stuff? Does she even remember me?

"We are out of milk and bleach!" 

I scurried back to the kitchen and stood next to Bri as Alan discussed letting one of us out. They decided on me. I had been the first girl kidnapped. They had thought they had scared us so much that we would not try to escape when let free. However, I had other plans. I knew they would make me stay on the phone the entire time. Yes, we had access to phones, but they only worked when we left the house. 

I grabbed Hayley's phone and came up with a plan to text the BAU's number on her phone to send help. I knew if the number was the same my Aunt Penelope would surely answer. 

When I finally left, the first thing I did was make sure when they were not paying attention, was to type the number in. At least I know if I get caught, they are required to respond to the text. Thank god mom had made me memorize that number. I dreamed of hugging her once again. The woman who changed her life to give me a better one.

When I finally got to the store, I began to text the number when Alan was attending to the hostage. They had already killed her...

Me: Hello. Is this Penelope Garcia with the BAU?

I'm so glad I knew how to write. Hayley was kidnapped when she was 12, so she always helped me learn how to read and write. She said I was really smart for my age.

BAU: Yes...? And who are you? 

Me: Aunt Penelope! It's me Sophie. Jaraeu. Kidnappers let me go to store. 154 Mellody Lane. They have guns. Two other girls. Tell my mom I'm ok. Come fast.

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