chapter eight

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A few weeks later...

Sophie's POV

Soccer. BAU. Family time. Parties at Uncle Dave's. Jack. Liam. Hotchner.

My life was amazing. I've never felt safer.

It was the last week before school started. Mom and I had a long talk and I still was not ready to go to school even if Will dropped me off. I couldn't do it. So, Henry would be going back to school and there would be a Bureau tutor for me everyday. I was happy.

It was Friday and today would be Henry's last day at kid camp and my last day hanging with Jack. I would miss our summer memories.

I got up extra early and went to shower. I got dressed in some jeans and a black blouse with flowers. I also grabbed a sweatshirt. I ran down the stairs a I realized I would have time to make iced coffee. When I got there Will was making breakfast and Henry was sitting waiting for his eggs.

"Morning kiddo."

"Morning Will. Morning bud."

"Morning sissy."

I grabbed my cup from the top shelf and made iced coffee. Will looked over and laughed as I smiled when my drink was ready.

"You are your mothers child"

Right on cue my mom walked down the stairs and walked over to us. She kissed Will, then my forehead and finally Henry's. She looked at my coffee and smiled.

"Someone is going to be hyper today."

We said our goodbyes and left to the office. We dropped off Henry as usual and went up to the BAU. Everyone was already there, as usual, and we walked in and said hi to everyone.

I hugged Jack and he handed me a present.

"Happy last day of summer Soph"

I opened it and it was our favorite soccer ball from when we were little. I shed a tear and thanked him.

The adults had a case in Maryland today so they left and Jack and I had a dance party. We ran around the BAU dancing while drinking Caprisun and went to go spy on Aunt Penelope.

"Shhhh. I want to scare her when she's not on the phone with my dad."

I nodded and we waited for the right time and jumped out and said "BOO!"

She screamed and we all started laughing.

"You kiddos are lucky it's your last day of freedom here before school."

We then ordered pizza and sat down on the bean bags to watch Disney Movies. I was sad that our day was coming to an end as Will had an early day. I decided that confessing my feelings to Jack wouldn't be the right thing to do. Maybe things would change once school started.

Around four pm I got a call from Will and I said bye to Jack.

We hugged for what felt like forever.

"You know where I live Jack! I will literally see you tomorrow for soccer."

"I know, I just love to hug you."

I blushed. He noticed.

"Bye Soph. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Jack." I said while getting into the elevator.

I skipped to Will and he saw how happy I was.

"Someone had a good day. Was it the coffee or the boy?"

"Both." I said while getting into the car.

At home the boys watched movies and I drew. Henry liked when I drew him things to hang in his room. Henry was starting kindergarten and he was super excited to make friends. I remember starting kindergarten. I had Jack by my side.

My mom got home around eight. Just in time to tuck Henry in. I had just showered and I could hear her and Will reading him his story. When the door closed I knew my mom would shower and change before seeing me.

Let's talk about Will. A few weeks ago I told him I loved him but still hadn't called him dad. I really wanted to but I needed to find the right time. I didn't think I could wait any longer. I was SO scared. What if he didn't like it? What if he got so angry he hit me? No. Sophie Jaraeu. It's all in your head. Will loves you like a daughter.

Around ten pm I was saying goodnight to Jack when my mom came in as she does every night. I said bye to Jack and talked to my mom. We talked about Jack and her case when I decided to bring up the Will thing.

"Hey mom..."

"Yeah, what's up?"

"What do you think Will would do if I called him dad?"

I caught her off guard. She didn't even know what to say.

"I think he would love it peanut." She said while squeezing me.

About ten minutes later of just talking about when I was little. Will walked in to find my mom and say goodnight.

He walked over to my bed and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight sweetie. I love you."

"Goodnight dad. I love you too."

His eyes went wide open and he smiled and looked at my mom.

"Did you just- Do you really- Sophhhh." He said almost in tears.

"I mean, if you want me to call you that, I've been waiting for the right time. But I really do think of you as a dad."

"And I think of you as a daughter."

We said final goodnights and they left the room. I went to bed happy that night. I finally had a stable family.


We laid in bed and Will just looked at me.

"She's the best daughter I could ever ask for and I'm going to protect that little girl with my life."

He said before kissing me and turning over.

"Jennifer Jaraeu you have raised the two most amazing kids."

I smiled. I have. My baby girl finally had a dad. She could finally feel safe.

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