chapter thirteen

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Next morning...

Sophie's POV

I woke up the next morning with a really bad headache. Leggings and a hoodie once again. Henry was screaming downstairs about some movie. I checked my phone and answered Jack, checked my social media, and then grabbed my backpack.

Could he stop screaming please?

I walked downstairs slowly, squinting, my head hurt.

Will looked at me trying to figure out what was wrong.

"Headache Soph?"

"Medicine please."

He handed me the small pill and my coffee so I could have my caffeine.

"Where's mom?"

"She had to leave around four." He covered Henry's ears. "Three more bodies."

I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. Dad would be taking me to school today.

Henry jumped off the chair and ran to put his shoes on. I wish my shoes could velcro. Dad grabbed his backpack and I grabbed mine and we left.

During the drive to the office I wondered why everyday has felt like the same routine.

Wake up. Drink coffee. Go to school. Get home. See Jack. Eat dinner. See mom. Go to bed.

I was for sure not complaining. I was so happy to be home with my mom. I just needed to meet some people my age or even just find a hobby.

I snapped out of my day dream when we pulled into the circular driveway in front of the office. I said bye as they needed to get to Henry's school. I got in the building and walked through the metal detector and they scanned my ID. I got in the elevator and walked to see Aunt Penelope before going to see my teacher.

"Wow, you look tired."

"Goodmorning to you too muffin." She said while spinning her chair to see me.

"Dad said to give you my medicine so if I get a headache I can go to you."

"Aw, ok. Well, call your mom. They should be eating lunch right now. Have a good day. Love ya!"

She said turning her chair back around as she got a call. I whispered "I love you too" while walking.

I took out my phone and called my mom. She answered and she was sitting outside eating lunch next to Em.

"Hi mom! Missed you this morning. I'm about to start school. How bad is the case?"

"Hi sweetie. Florida." Oh no. She'll be gone for a while.

"Please help your dad with Henry. He's been a little hyper. I gotta go. Another body. Love you peanut. Have fun at school. Call me when you're home."

"Bye mom."

"Bye Soph."

I then walked over to my teacher and began the long boring school day.

Around lunch time the headache came back. My teacher had left the room. I could barely open my eyes. I laid my head down until I had the urge to run to Aunt Penelope. I got up and got to her as soon as I could so I could close my eyes again.

"Woah woah woah. Slow down. What's wrong?"

"My head hurts so bad."

"Here." She said handing me my pill.

"Let me call your dad."

"No. I'm ok. It's just these really bad migraines."

"Ok well, finish off your day."

I got back to my lesson and when the clock struck three I jumped with joy. Since mom was on a case, dad would try to only work until three. Today his boss let him take off the rest of the day. He picked me up and I told him about my headaches. He said we would go get my eyes checked next week.

Someone's POV

3:05. Leaving the BAU. Will has the two kids. Seems like Jennifer is on a case. Driving at 40 miles an hour.

3:45. Arriving at their house. Henry jumped out of the car. Sophie following behind. Carrying his backpack. Walked inside the house. Shut the door.

Sophie's POV

I finished my homework and was hanging out in my room when my phone rang.

Jack Jack is calling...

I answered and he told me that he was bored at home and wanted to play soccer. I called Will and he said it was fine so I told him to come over. I changed into workout clothes and went downstairs to make myself a snack.

"Hey Soph, movie tonight? I need something to distract Henry while your mom is away."

"Yes of course. Homework is done by the way. When do you think she'll be home? I miss her."

"I don't know." The doorbell rang.

"Jack's here."

I opened the door and saw Jack holding his water bottle and soccer ball. I walked to the front yard and closed the door.


I won. Jack says he was letting me win. He definitely was not. His Aunt Jessica picked him up after about twenty minutes of eating popsicles on the front porch and talking about school and how we really want out parents to take us on a case.

Someone's POV

6:05. Some boy gets dropped off. Sophie opens the door. They play soccer.

6:10. Boy is Aaron Hotchner's son Jack. Mother Haley was killed by George Foyet.

7:04. Sit on porch.

7:28. Boy leaves. Sophie goes back inside. William comes outside to grab Henry's shoes.

Sophie's POV

It was late and Henry had fallen asleep watching the movie. Dad said goodnight before carrying him upstairs and going in his room for the night. Every since I got home I've had really bad nightmares. No one knows about them but Uncle Spencer. I knew it was nine and they were either working or asleep but I needed to talk to him so I could fall asleep happy. Facetime.

"Hello there. If you are trying to locate your mother, she's staying with Emily."

"Hi. Um.. no actually I needed to call you. I'm about to go to sleep and ummm."

His eyes widened and he panned over to Uncle Derek sitting on the other bed in the room. It seemed like he had headphones on

"Let me call you back Soph. Let me go find your mom. I'll see if she's awake."

He nodded at Derek and left the room.

"One I have a super bad migraine, two, I can't have another nightmare. I need to go to sleep with happy thoughts."

"Studies show you can actually control your dreams. 37% of people reported to have been able to control nightmares with music, shows, or even just thoughts. Before you go to bed. Put on your headphones. Watch a happy show. Maybe a kid one. Draw happy things. Eat ice cream. Talk to Jack. Call your mom. Anything that makes you stop thinking."

"Thanks Uncle Spence. I'll try that and let you know how it goes tomorrow morning."

"Your mom doesn't stop talking about how smart you are. How you already caught up with like 6 grade levels worth of knowledge. I'm a proud godfather."

"Thanks. I'm going to call her now. Goodnight Uncle Spence. Be safe."

"Goodnight Sophie. You too."

After that, I did call my mom. Had a dance party in my room. Called Jack. Ate ice cream. Watched Disney Channel. Put on my headphones and went to sleep.

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