chapter twenty

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hiii just wanted to say thank you so much for all the love on this story! remember to vote and comment what you wanna see in new chapters! love you all!

One month later...


It was three am. I was laying in bed with Will. I couldn't sleep. Sophie had been so happy recently and everything seemed to be back to normal by day. However, as soon as it hit night time the poor girl would cry and cry. For the last week it has been ok. No tears. No screaming. She would sleep peacefully. I was too scared to miss something. I heard Will mutter something half asleep.

"She's fine JJ. Stop tossing and turning. You have work in a few hours."

I nodded rolling over trying to sleep. I just couldn't. 

My thoughts were later interrupted when the sun started to rise. I could hear Henry's alarm clock begin to play its music. It was almost Halloween. The kids were so excited. 

Henry ran into the room and jumped on the bed snuggling between Will and I. I loved this little boy more than anything. He was so sweet and so funny and so so smart.

"Ok kiddo let's go get you dressed for school. It's fridayyy!"

"Fridayyyy!" He cheered and I picked him up. I kissed Will and walked to Henry's room to get him dressed. On Friday's he didn't have to wear uniform. He chose a batman shirt and I gave him some shorts. 

I could hear the showering running which means Sophie woke up. I handed Henry off to Will so I could start getting ready for work.

Sophie' POV

Steaming showers in the morning is the only true way to wake me up. I could hear my mom and Henry in the other room. I could hear from her voice that she didn't sleep. She needs to stop worrying about me. I have actually been sleeping. The Bureau therapist is really helpful.

It was finally fall. Season of cozy sweater and pants, that's exactly what I'm wearing today. I tied my hair in a ribbon, putting on my shoes and grabbing my backpack and phone. 

As I closed the door, I heard Henry opening it to brush his teeth. My little brother is the cutest.

My birthday was in two months and so was Jack's. We were born two weeks apart. I'm older, which I've always teased him about.

"Good morning Sophie. How'd you sleep?"

"Morning. I slept really good. What's for breakfast and lunch?"

"Eggs for breakfast, nutella sandwiches and strawberries for lunch."

I smiled walking to the fridge to grab some coffee. I heard footsteps running from down the stairs and suddenly when I turned back around, Henry was sitting eating his eggs.

"Good morning sissy."

He mumbled with a full mouth of eggs.

"Henry, don't chew with your mouth full." My mom said from behind me.

We all laughed and my mom hugged me. 

"I slept just fine mom. Which means you need to start sleeping. You have a job that requires attention and like um... awakeness."

"I'm just a worried mother, but yes I know. Eat fast. Running a little late. Henry where's your backpack?" She said holding up his homework from last night. 

He pointed to the couch as she put it in there. 

"Remember you're going to Cameron's after school Henry."

I jumped down from my chair hugging my dad and my little brother before grabbing my backpack and walking to the black SUV parked in the front lawn. My mom following me.

"Anything exciting happening after school today?"

"Umm... not sure... Jack and I might hang out. Why?"

"The team might go out if there's no case."

I nodded, looking back at my phone to text Jack.

hey, scary movie and pj party tonight at my house? orrrr fake cases because we're nerds and wanna be like our parents?

how about both? i'll buy the cookies when i get out of school, seven?

henry's at a friends house tn, so sure

see you later

see ya

"Yes, hanging out with Jack."

"Got it." 

She parked the car. I got our. She stayed in. I was confused.

"Are you... coming?"

"Doctors appointment. See you later peanut. Have a good day. I'll bring you a snack. No case today."

I loved when there are no cases. The whole team stays in the office and I bother them during my breaks and after school.

During lunch...

I was eating at my moms desk hearing them talk about Uncle Reid's girlfriend. Still didn't really like her. She did nothing wrong. But I still hate change. Uncle Derek started talking

"How about we go get dinner tonight? Maybe get a few drinks after? Hotch bring Beth..."

Beth. Hotch's new girlfriend. This might sound super mean.... but I love her! I know, change blah blah blah. But Hotch and Jack were so happy and she is the sweetest. Still don't like Anna.

"JJ bring Will. Pretty boy bring Anna."

They all agreed. 

"Sophie, Jack have plans with you tonight?" Hotch said pulling out his phone.

I nodded throwing my cheetos away. I had to go back to school after that.

Seven pm...

"Ok peanut. Alarm is on. Help button is activated. Both our ringers are on. Cameron's mom knows to drop him off at 10. Should be home by 12. I love you. Have fun with Jack."

I was trusted to stay home with Jack because to be honest, we acted more like best friends than a couple. 

The doorbell rang and Jack came in. We worked on some fake cases that my mom had left for us and watched IT. We made cookies and had our usual dance party. Henry came home. He showered and I read him a story and he went to sleep. Around 11, we laid down on the floor and talked about life and how we've been doing mentally.

He really wanted me to go to real school. I told him I couldn't do it. I had friends at soccer. I talked to kids my age that weren't Jack. I didn't want to go to high school. I wasn't ready.

We talked about my nightmares and how they've slowly gone away. 

We talked about...



His mom.

My biological father somewhere.

My mom and Emily dating. (everyone knew)

Finally we talked about us. How much we liked each other. How perfect we were for each other.

I ended up falling asleep on the floor. Not waking up until around four. I got up peaking into my moms room, she was fast asleep. I smiled walking back and laying down. Eventually drifting back off to sleep.

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