chapter thirty nine

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"Go tell Henry to distract her so we can sneak outside and get them inside the house..."

Earlier that morning...

*JJ on the phone with Emily*

"Hey, her friends flights all land around 4pm"

"I'm so surprised that we were able to pull this off."

"Don't jinx it Em."

Emily and I thought that flying over Soph's online friends might just make us the best people in the world. All from different states. Somehow us being FBI agents really helped convince their parents.

"Soph just woke up, I'll call you later."

Just as we hung up, a sleepy sixteen year old walked down the stairs holding the baby.

"Good morning peanut."

"Good morning mom. Morning Henry!"

"Morning sissy!"

It was Saturday and I had decided to take the day off. I had been really tired and honestly needed a break. 

Soph put Michael in his highchair and walked over to grab a piece of bacon that Will left for her.

"Plans for today?"

"Not right now. Jack's going somewhere with his school friends."

She looked upset. Jack has been hanging out with his school friends for weeks and she still hadn't seen him. This was another reason why she needed her friends right now.

"Have you talked to him... at all?"

"Small talk here and there. It's fine. He needs to see his friends from school too."

"Yes but there should be an equal balance Soph."

She shrugged and then walked to the couch plopping herself down on the couch and turning on the TV.

I rolled my eyes and fed the baby before my phone rang. 

"Hi, it's Alex's mom, her flight just took off. I told her to call me when she lands."

"Hi! Call me when I should go pick her up. Airport is a ten minute drive. I will check in with the other girls now but everything should be happening around 5. I'm going to have the girls wait at Soph's godmothers house until everyone is here."

"Sounds perfect. They're going to have so much fun..."

Sophie's POV

My mom walked outside for what seemed like a very important work call so I finished feeding the baby and cleaned him up before putting him in his playpen. 

I checked my phone. Hopeful that Jack had at least responded to my good morning.

Nothing. It was twelve which meant dad was coming home for lunch soon. I peeked my head back in the living room to check on the boys before heading upstairs to get dressed for the day.

I decided to look nice today. I dont know why. But I put on my cute outfit and did my hair and makeup. 

I went back down and Em, Hotch, and Beth were there. 

I said hi to everyone and went to go see what Henry was doing. It's always fun to hang out with the six year old.

Mom and Dad walked downstairs, assuming they had just put Michael to bed, and joined the rest of the adults.

"Dad, Em, and I have to go take care of somethings and won't be home until like 5. So Beth and Hotch are gonna help you with the boys."

I nodded and said bye to them.

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