chapter twenty three

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Two days later...


I was laying on the ground. Everything was blurry. 

"JJ! I need a medic"

Was that Em or Spence or? 

Everything went black.

Two hours earlier....

"Should be home today buddy."

"Yay! Can we watch Toy Story when you get home?"

"Yes Henry! Now, go be good for your sister and let her finish her homework before Daddy drops you off at soccer."

"Ok mommy. Here's the phone sissy."

"Hi mom. Please be safe. You know how dangerous this guy is."

"I know peanut. I love you to the moon..."

"And back. Tell everyone to be safe. Talk to you later. I have Pre Calc homework."

"Bye smartie pants."

"Bye bye."

Ok J. You have your gun and ID. Hair up. Time to meet the team downstairs.

"Ok what do we know?" 

Hotch seems so tired. I bet he got no sleep last night.

"White male. Late thirties. Earl Simon. Killing couples and staging them as if they're holding a baby made of blankets. Lost his wife and child during child birth. Blames himself. Had killed 32 people. Somehow has access to medical records of families that have had the loss of an infant. On the run."

"Good reid. Morgan, Dave I want you to go to see the body. Reid and I will go to the police station and interview the families of the couples. JJ and Emily go to the latest crime scene. Garcia check how this guy would have access. Like his previous jobs. Families previous jobs. Anything."

"Already on it honey."

"Don't call me honey."

At the crime scene...

"Seems like he busted through the back while they were eating dinner. It's risky but he probably had a gun pointed at them. He's rushing now. Hitting the closest people on his list."

I had to think about what she said. How did this guys have access? Why hasn't Garcia figured it out?

"Earth to JJ?!"

"Sorry Em. Uh, Hotch just texted. His sister works in the NICU. Reid is interviewing her. Garcia is getting all the infant losses at her hospital."

"Why hadn't we figured this out earlier?"

"I mean, didn't know his identity until he fled yesterday."

"Well, let's go help them figure out a name."

"Emily we have a name. Turn the car around. Three block away from where you just were. The Alverez family."

"On our way Hotch."

"We'll meet you there."

I almost fell jumping out of the car to bang on the front door. They didn't answer. Everyone else got there as we were about to bust the door open. We heard screams. Glass was shot. The back door was kicked open.


I ran. This guy couldn't get away. He would go into hiding again. I could spot him. I had the shot. I turned my ear piece on.

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