chapter twenty two

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Next day...

Sophie's POV

I wish alarm's didn't exist. The noise is so annoying. Why can't I just sleep in? Why does school start so early? I was up at six. We leave at seven. I have time to shower. Fast.

What to wear? Leggings. Hoodie. Comfy.

I could smell the bacon. Wow. Will knew what I was craving. I put my school papers in my backpack and grabbed by phone and headphones before running downstairs. 

"Morning sunshine." Mom said sipping her coffee.

"Morning everyone. Bacon?"

Will nodded and slid me a plate across the counter. 

Around that time it was 6:45 and Henry and I were watching morning cartoons while the adults cleaned up and made out lunch. My mom knew she would be gone for a few days because of the big case they had in Maine so she packed to get ready. I hated when she left. She was my rock and every time she left I just felt like she was going to get hurt.

"Soph, let's go a little early today. Grab you bag and you lunch."

I got up from the couch, said bye, grabbed by stuff and headed to the car. Of course I slipped on my soccer shoes on the way out and face planted. My mom laughed but then helped me up.

During the car ride my mom told me about how she really loved her job. She loved saving people. I was about to tell her how much I hated her job, but I held myself back. 

"Hey, I know it's hard to see me go every week, but I always come back."

"Yeah, until you don't."

"Sophie Gabriella Jareau. I may not always be the safest but I would never leave you to Henry without a mom. The team is here to protect me. I'm always going to be ok. Now snap out of it because I would like to leave you at school being happy."

I fake smiled and went back onto my phone to text the girls at soccer. they wanted to have a sleepover, but I wasn't into that stuff. I like being safe at home.

"I'm tired."

"Me too peanut. Let's go though. Still have some time to talk to people before school." 

She was right. It was only 7:15. I didn't start school until 7:45.

I clipped by badge to my leggings and greeted the security guards before entering the building.

We got to the BAU floor and everyone was already there.

"Jareau's are earlier than usual."

Uncle Derek said. I went around hugging everyone and then sat near Uncle Spence.  

"Pst, Soph. Desk drawer. Kit Kats."

My eyes widen as I opened his desk drawer. I put them in my lunchbox and fist pumped him. Hotch then called them to go to the round table and I went to school.

I didn't know chemistry was so hard. Lunch was the best. Those kit kats made it worth it. I usually eat lunch at my moms desk when she's gone and watch TV. 

After school Jack got there and we did all our homework in like two hours. We then watched Netflix and ate some snacks from the vending machine. Around six Will picked us both up. We dropped Jack at home and went to our house. 


"Yes Henry?"

"Can you help me with this?"

I walked over to the kitchen table and saw he was doing easy addition.

"Sure bud."

I read the problem. 10+7.

"Ok so you hold out 7 minutes and I'll hold out ten. Then you count."



"Yes Henry! Good job!" We high fived and he kept on with his math.

I walked back over to the couch and Will pat my shoulder. 

"Thank you for helping him."


Around seven, Henry and I decided to make dinner.







"Ok, ok. Go tell Daddy."

Henry ran off and I put the chicken nuggets in the air fryer. 

He came back and helped put together the salad. He loved to help in the kitchen. After dinner, he helped clean up and then Dad went to bathe him and put him to bed. I decided to call mom. Check on her.

"Hey mommy."

"Hi baby. How are you? I just talked to Henry. He says you helped him with homework and made dinner with him."

"I'm good. Yeah, he's so cute. How's the case?"

"Well, the media got to it."

"So not good then."

"No, which means I am not going to sleep tonight and I miss my babies."

"We miss you too."

"Hi Pumpkin!" 

"Hi Em! Good luck on the case! Love you all."

"We loved you too Sophie." Uncle Derek said.

"Goodnight mommy. Love you."

"Goodnight peanut. Love you to the moon."

"And back."

We hung up. I then showered and laid in bed. I couldn't sleep. I tried calling Jack and we talked for like two hours and then he went to bed. It was midnight. I walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and the light turned on.

"Can't sleep?"

"Nope." I said popping the P.

"Miss your mom?"

"Yup." I said popping the P again.

"I miss her too. She'll be home soon enough. You're strong. It's ok to miss her kid. But she knows you're strong."

"I know. I just... want her to always be home. To you know..."

"Make up lost time?"


"I know kid. You have me. And Henry. She'll be home soon. Being a BAU kid is hard. You have Jack remember. You can alway talk to him." I nodded.

"Love you dad."

"Love you too."

I walked to my room and tried to fall asleep again. I couldn't. I watched TV until 2am when finally my body couldn't help but give out.

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