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Litwin was shocked to hear it. He took a step towards her and placed his hands covering Twil's eyes and nose except her pink lips and looked at it.

"Whatcha doin?" Twil asked removing the hands and stepping back.

"So, you are Alicia?"

"What? Nah. I m saying tell me something about Alicia since only we both can help you recover."

Litwin slowly took in her words and turned to the other side and asked "What do you want to know bout her?"

"Why is she the only one who was able to recover your wounds?"

"Since the prophecy book says so"

"Why am I able to do it too?"

"I have to figure it out"

Twil looked at him and rolled her eyes and started walking. Litwin jogged behind her to catch up. "Now tell me who are you?". "Arghh. Not this again" Twil said grimly. She suddenly stopped and fished for something in her bag.

After finding the desired thing she wanted, she took out a bracelet. 'The friendship bracelet which Adrian gave' to be exact. Litwin's eyes darkened and he got the bracelet from her hands and tried to wear it.

No matter how many times he tried, the hook was not getting caught with the other end. Twil caught it from his hand and helped him wear it. "Why are you so frustrated?"

Litwin just stood quietly looking at the people running around laughing and playing. "I can't comfort you but I m a good listener though" Twil said and looked into his eyes.

His emerald eyes were glistening with tears threatening to fall. He wetted his lips and turned around and gave Twil a not-so-genuine smile and walked away. She wanted to follow him but decided to do otherwise.

She arrived at her house and laid on the couch. Her mind aimlessly wandered to the look in Litwin's eyes. 'What made him so sad? Wait! Is it related to his friend's death?? Ahh. if it is I m screwed. Why am I so insensitive and dumb' She thought to herself and pulled her hair.

"Don't pull out the remaining hair or you might go bald Twy" said a voice.

Twil got up from the couch scared to find Misha. "What are you doing here you creepy stalker?" Twil asked while Misha opened the sprite can and gave it to Twil, as she sipped hers. "You do make yourself comfortable in my house" Twil sarcastically said while Misha hit Twil on her head with the magazine.

"Carl's party is postponed to the end of this month and I m here to inform you that and to borrow some of your books" Misha said as she took some books from the collections.

She wore her backpack to leave while Twil spoke "Let's invite everyone and hang out here."  Misha gave a thumbs up and sent a quick text in the group chat.

May, Kate and Riley came with some Doritos, chips and drinks. They sat down and picked a movie to watch.


Twil was walking to her class when she found  Ashton and Litwin walking side by side talking bout something.

'For someone who claims to be from another planet, he sure makes himself comfortable ' Twil thought to herself and went back to her class. She sat in her place to find Kate napping. Twil poked her cheeks. No reply. She sighed and turned to find Misha reading the book she borrowed yesterday, while Riley was talking with some girls while May was watching something on her MacBook.

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