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A voice screeched. Litwin turned around to find Logan, his cousin on the ground along with the spilt food that was supposed to be given to Alicia.

The maid frantically apologized to Logan and Litwin. " Are you hurt?" Litwin asked in concern. The maid shook her head. Litwin turned towards Logan who had sauce all over his white coat.

"What's wrong with you Logan? You could have got the maid hurt" Litwin said. Logan looked down at the floor without saying anything. Litwin sighed and spoke again.

"What are you doing here Logan?" "I came to visit you" Logan said in a soft voice. Litwin's eyes softened looking at his little cousin.

Logan is 54 years old. 54 years in Hesy was considered as a kid. Until 160 they are considered to be a kid.

"Are you hurt kiddo?" Litwin asked. Logan looked up and nodded. He then showed his elbows which had scratches. Litwin used his powers to heal those scratches.

Litwin smiled at the little guy. Logan and Litwin walked towards the kitchen and sat down on the island for a while and talked.

Mostly it was Logan ranting about not being able to understand anything in his classes. "So, when can I see my sister-in-law?" Logan asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"At my wedding." Litwin casually said and walked to the dining room. "Come on. Don't be like this. Let's visit her tomorrow?" Logan asked hopefully.

"I got to learn and got lots of meetings to attend. So No" Litwin said. Logan huffed and crossed his arms. Everyone came to the dining table to eat lunch.

"Logan?!" The Queen exclaimed and went near Logan to hug him. He received the hug gladly when Daw' asked "Aren't you supposed to be in your classroom?"

"Woah. It's been a while since I ate what Litwin cooked." Logan said acting like he never heard Daw'. Everyone chuckled at his behaviour. The King arrived and they started eating.

After lunch, Litwin excused himself and went to his room to take a power nap. He woke up after half an hour. He got from his bed and opened his drawer and took his device.

He kept his finger on the fingerprint scanner and a blue light lit indicating the device is activated.

"Device 053 Activated. Good day Master. What can I do for you?" a voice from the device asked. "When can I have a clear view of the Sky today?" Litwin asked.

"Checking. Processing.. After 15 hours and 1 min and 56 sec" the device replied. Litwin put the device back in its place and closed the drawer.

He went back to the library to read the books. Time passed by and it was time for dinner. Litwin sent word that he is skipping dinner as he was quite full from the dessert Zahri bought him when he was studying.

He teleported to the lavender fields along with a book. The dream he had was bothering him so he wanted to relax for a bit. He opened the book which he randomly picked before teleporting.

He opened the book and found it was a storybook called 'Destiny in Disguise' written by a famous author in Eila.

He was reading the book while halfway through, and he dozed off. The book slipped from his hand and fell onto the ground.

Just like the Destiny which can never be in anyone's hand.


'See you again'

Twil thought and went back to her mansion. She freshened up and wore her pyjamas and lied on her bed. She unlocked her phone to find three notifications from her friends saying they reached home. She sent a thumbs-up emoji and slept.

The next morning, she woke up early and brushed and bathed and wore a yellow spaghetti top and a jean coat and blue jeans and boots.

She went down to find Rizi cooking breakfast. "Good morning Rizi" Twil greeted. "Good morning girl" Rizi greeted back.

"Going somewhere?" Rizi asked. "Yeah. I m going to Ashton's house to complete the English assignment" Twil replied.

Rizi and Twil ate breakfast and Rizi packed some for her mother since she doesn't like to have food from outside. "I will drive you there." Rizi said. Twil agreed and shot a quick text to Ash.

Rizi and Twil drove off to Ashton's house. One song later, they pulled up before Ashton's house. Ashton was outside his house near the gate, talking to the security guard.

"Thanks for the ride Rizi" Twil thanked and Rizi winked and drove off. Seeing Twil, Ashton smiled. "Hey," Ashton said.

"Hello" Twil replied. Ashton gestured for her to follow him and she followed him inside his house. It was pretty big. She sat on the couch with her things while Ashton bought a glass of water.

"Twy!!!" said Tete running into Twil's arms. "I m babysitting this guy again" Ashton said. Twil picked up Tete in her arms and played with him earning a cute giggle from Tete.

They started doing the assignment and finished it after two hours. After finishing the assignment, they started talking about the classes and Dylan and Andrew.

Tete fell asleep so Ashton took Tete to his room. Ashton came back and they ordered pizza and ate. It was 3 so Twil decided to leave. She called her driver to pick her up and she went back home.

She played video games for a while and ate dinner and slept. The next morning, she woke up and got ready to go to school. She wore a high waist black jeans and a shirt and boots.

She went down and ate breakfast and left for school. She was walking through the corridor when she heard May complaining "This Dominic didn't do anything for the assignment. All he did was make me angry and frustrated"

Riley rolled her eyes and the bell rang. Everyone rushed inside the class and Mr Wilson walked in smiling. "I m the substitute for the first period. I will give you five minutes to submit your assignment"

Murmurs and whispers broke out and Mr Wilson was calmly taking attendance. After the attendance, he asked everyone to submit their assignment. Ashton submitted the assignment and many students did.

Mr Wilson spoke again "Very well then. Those who have not submitted your assignments please get this detention slip and as for others consider this as your free period but no funny business especially you Daniel."

Daniel was well known and famous for his mischiefs and pranks.

Some students slept while some played and some watched Netflix. The next periods were as usual and the classes ended finally.

Twil and her friends walked towards the school entrance and then they departed. Twil went back home and lied back on the couch. After three days, Dylan will be discharged and Rizi and Dylan along with their Kids will leave for Japan.

She sighed and closed her eyes.' I needed to prepare an anniversary gift for them' she thought before dozing off.

Two more chapters to go. Please vote, comment, and share.

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