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"We have to wait to know that but the chances are very low. There is a 94% chance that he won't make it"

"What? Uncle Mark. Please do something" Twil said. Uncle Mark nodded and injected him.

He went outside the room to make a call after instructing what Twil should do. Twil removed his wet bloodstained clothes and changed him into dry clothes with the help of a butler.

Twil held his hands and felt his hands becoming warm. "Uncle!! His temperature is coming back to normal"

Hearing Twil's words, Uncle Mark asked Twil and the butler to step out of the room. After a solid hour, Uncle Mark came out of the room removing his surgical gloves which had blood.

"He needs a month rest. His injuries are pretty bad. I will send the maid to get some medicines. And keep an eye on him" He said and nodded and walked away.

Twil entered the room chewing her bottom lips. She sighed and took a seat on the bean bag and tried to sleep.
Litwin woke up to an unfamiliar peach coloured sealing. He used his elbows to get up but pain shoots through his whole body. He groaned. Hearing a groan, Twil woke up from her nap and looked at the figure lying on the bed.

"You alright there? You need something?" Twil questioned as she walked towards the guy. "Wher--" Litwin's voice was hoarse and weak and his throat was dry, making him unable to speak.

Twil took the glass of water placed on the stand and gave it to him. He gulped the water and closed his eyes and opened it to look at Twil.

"Umm. I m Twil. I found you injured near the lake near the park so I took you in. You don't have to worry. You are at my place" Twil spoke.

"I m Litwin" Litwin said and that's all he said. Twil blinked and scoffed. "Look. Litwin. I saved you and all you gotta say is your name? Even though telling how you got hurt is too much but no thank you? At least tell me where you are from? " Twil asked.

"As if you would believe what I tell" Litwin mumbled. "Try me" Twil said and took a seat on her bean bag. Litwin looked at her and found her sitting patiently and sincerely waiting.

He swallowed and snapped. "Look Twil. You saved me and I m very much grateful for that even though I would have recovered by myself and I will compensate for your time and help. And please mind your own business"

Twil looked at him with wide eyes. She scoffed and turned around to leave the room. She turned the doorknob and banged the door close.

"Ahh" A voice was heard from downstairs followed by a sound of a glass breaking. Twil rushed down to find a maid crouching down and picking the glass shards from the photo frame. On seeing Twil, the maid bowed continuously mumbling her apologies.

"Calm down. It's okay. It's okay. Ask someone else to clean the shards and treat your wound and also send it to get a new frame" Twil politely smiled and went back to the guest room with food for Litwin.

She didn't bother to knock and barged in and placed the food tray. "Eat it up," she said and was about to leave when she heard Litwin speak

"Sorry. I didn't mean to lash out on you. I can't justify my behaviour by saying I was not myself but please know that I m sorry and thank you for taking me in" Litwin said looked down.

Twil gulped. His voice was deep and alluring. Anyone could keep on hearing his voice. She mentally slapped herself and said "Apologies accepted. I m sorry too. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable nor to pry"

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