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The last thing Litwin saw was Adrian lying dead with his eyes looking and his lips held a smile.

Tears wetted Litwin's cheeks. The word Agony was an understatement for what he left. His father and mother struggled to keep the shield, Daw' and Asheil hurt, and the face of the people which was filled with fear and sadness crossed his mind.

The very next thing he remembered was his friend, his brother by heart, Adrian's death. Pain shot across his heart as he reminisced the memories.

"I gotta be with you or else you'll die" Adrian said smirking.

"Oh please. I don't need you Adri" Litwin said and rolled his eyes playfully. Adrian punched his shoulders and said "Even if you don't need me, I will be here for you Lit"

Adrian's eyes held so much sincerity in them that Litwin didn't fail to notice. Even though he never told Adrian how much he was grateful for having him as his friend, he felt very much thankful for it.

"Don't miss me too much after today" Adrian said sipping his drink at the wedding party. Litwin squinted his eyes at him and asked

"Why would I miss you Adri? And why are you speaking as if it's your last day?"

Only if they would have known.
Only if they would have known, they would have practised more sword fights.
Only if they would have known, they would have laughed more.

But destiny is funny. Nobody knows what it has written for us.

Litwin felt the air heating up around him. He felt uncomfortable. He felt as if he was pulled down. Deep into nowhere.

Though he was slightly unconscious, his eyes shed tears. Tears which held pain. His breath was shallow, he felt weak.

He opened his eyes. His vision was not clear yet he squinted his eyes when exhaustion and pain took over his body.

He was unconscious and the universe chose a place to put him into a nap. In which, he could forget his pain for a while.

How long was he falling?

It was for a whole two hours. After another hour he felt something cold brush his skin. More like a wind. He looked above to see a grey sky and he felt he was falling somewhere.

Somewhere he never expected he would come. He felt his back hit the ground. He was sure that he broke a bone or two. A light shone when he hit the ground along with a loud bang.

He was lying near a lake. The lake was surrounded by trees. The atmosphere was different and the air was chilly. Pain shot through his body. He groaned.

Air filled his nostrils which he wasn't familiar with. Pain and agony were his vivadent feelings. His heart clenched thinking of his loss.

He closed his eyes tightly trying to ease the pain when he felt something dripping on his body. It was raining. 'How comical! Looks like the atmosphere is matching my current pain' He thought.

He gulped and opened his eyes. His vision was blurred. He felt a figure towering over his body. He tried hard to keep his eyes open but failed miserably.


Twil was searching for this source of sound. She walked closer and deeper near the lake when she heard a whimper.

She walked towards the whimper to find a guy lying. 'Damn. This guy looks so ethereal' Twil thought to herself.

She shook her head and noticed that he was hurt badly. There was a small pool of blood around him. Twil froze seeing the blood.

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