Chapter - XXV CLASH

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While the figure standing on the other side of the shelf devilishly smiled hearing how Twil exactly hit the nail.


His smile slowly turned into a scowl while his jaws clenched tight. He teleported himself to the place he lived. He entered through the door while all the maids bowed not daring to glance.

"Where is 'He'?" He asked loudly.

"Your Highness." the silver-haired guy arrived and bowed. His mouth was dry and the word scared was an understatement.

"Hahahaha" the so-called highness laughed. His laugh was rich and silky. He turned around to face the silver-haired guy. The sunlight made it hard for others to see his face.

The so-called highness walked near the scared guy. Under the intimidating gaze, the silver-haired guy trembled. The figure clicked his tongue in disapproval and the poor guy fell to his knees losing all his strength.

"You want to explain something?" the figure questioned. "Punish me, your Highness. I m useless" the silver-haired guy said.

"Since it's her who found it out I will excuse you this time. Make sure to keep the guys away from her. I don't want any guy near her. I don't want any of the library scenes to be repeated" he demanded.

"Or should I stay with her and keep the guys away from her?" he said with his voice slightly rising.

"N-N-no your Highness. I will do my job" the silver-haired guy said hastily not wanting to anger his Highness any more than he was already.


"Wow. I never thought about this" Litwin said while Twil flipped her hair sassily."I need to talk to Asheil about this" he said standing up with Twil following her.

They walked out of the library. The corridors were silent since most were out for competition while the remaining were on the golf court and the football field.

"I think you and Alicia have a thing in common" Litwin said. Twil tilted her head and Litwin took it as a sign and continued "You both have a different aura but Alicia has a mole on her wrist just like yours"

Twil looked at her wrist and laughed "Hahaha. How is that any common? Coincidence maybe?" Twil said quickening her steps. Litwin jogged behind her. "Why are you avoiding the question? Are you Alicia?" Litwin asked once again.

"What do you mean by I m Alicia? Let's now solve your problem" Twil said. Litwin sighed and they walked past the glass window while Litwin held her hand.

She froze and looked at their hands intertwined and looked at him. He darted his eyes back and forth signalling someone is following behind them.

Twil quickly understood and started acting "So? You think I m pretty?" she asked randomly while slyly fishing for her phone.

Litwin caught up with her "Very much" he said sincerely. His voice was filled with sincerity which caused Twil's ears to become red.

"Y-you are way too good at acting" she whispered. "Who said I was acting?" he whispered back. Twil stopped in her tracks and looked back at him and blinked.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw a movement so she switched on the video on her phone and slid it into her back pocket.

They continued talking randomly and when they took a right Litwin teleported them to the tree branch.

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