Chapter - XXXVII The Golden Mystery

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"What the heck!!"

20 minutes ago
Ashton tapped his foot nervously waiting for Twil to arrive. He sipped his water to calm his nerves which didn't help. He stood up and ran straight into a girl. She was wearing a white shirt with black pants. "Who the heck wears shades inside the shop" he mumbled to himself.

Her tea, stained his hoodie as he wiped it with a tissue. "Let me help"

"No--" Ashton's words were cut off by her grabbing the tissue and helping with the stain. His fingers accidentally touched hers while he hastily pulled back.

"I m sorry. I should've been careful" she said looking up. Ashton's eyebrows furrowed.


Back to the present

Stopped in tracks Twil looked at Ashton with a questioning face which held 'Are you seeing what I m seeing?' for which he nodded his head.

Alicia stood up and extended her hand and smiled sweetly at Twil. "I presume we have already met"

Twil scoffed and folded her arms and said "Who am I kidding? I don't know bout others but if I for one, were to see my clone, I m sure I wouldn't forget" Alicia let out a rich laugh and withdrew her hand.

"Well. You are right but you didn't see my face when we met so you wouldn't remember me. Let me introduce myself once again. I m Alicia. Litwin's fiancée" She extended her hand once again looked straight into Twil's brown orbs and continued.

"And before all those stuff. I m your Twin. Elder than you by four minutes and seven seconds." Twil looked shocked and confused.

She sat down holding her head. As if on cue, the waitress who was in her early twenties, stood near Alicia. Alicia looked at the waitress. "A white hot chocolate with a chai bag and a croissant with Nutella filling please"

Twil looked at her twin, with her eyebrows raised in suspicion. "What? Mom told me you like these here" Alicia spoke in a defensive tone. "Mom? Who? Does mom know about your existence too?" Twil asked as her voice slightly raised. Alicia avoided eye contact and Twil laughed humourlessly.

She pulled her phone out of her cream-coloured coat and speed dialled her mother. She looked at Alicia, who was distressed for some reason. "Mom might be bus-" Alicia's words were cut off by the voice on the other line.

"Hello? Twil? Is everything alright?" Twil's mother asked in concern.

"I don't know mom. Someone who looks exactly like me, has shown up claiming herself to be my twin" Twil said glancing at Alicia, who was now pale.

"Give her the phone" Twil's mother said in a stern voice, the one which showed she was beyond pissed. Twil handed over the phone to Alicia but made sure to put it on speaker before that.

"What are you doing on earth Alicia? I told you to wait didn'--" Alicia's eyes widened in panic as she realized the phone was on speaker.

Alicia hastily ended the call and bit her lips looking down guilty. Twil nodded slowly trying to fit the pieces together. She hurriedly grabbed the phone and threw it inside her pocket and gave a tight-lipped smile at Ashton and walked out without sparing Alicia a glance.

The wind blew harshly making a few strands of her hair, block her view. She huffed and pushed it back only for it to fall in her face again. She left out a muffled scream with tears brimming her eyes. She felt bitter and betrayed.

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