Chapter - IV - MEETINGS

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"Good morning to everyone and to my dear Fiance, too"

Alicia said in her soft voice. The crowd broke out in cheers of Awww's and Oooooo's. Asheil nudged Litwin.

"Let's start with the check of vinculum without any further delay" said the King's Mother, Litwin's grandmother. The King nodded and signalled through his hand to start.

A big golden bowl filled with water was brought in, along with two golden empty glasses. "The check of vinculum should be done honestly and dare not to cheat as it's prohibited by the heavens" stated the advisor. Litwin and Alicia nodded their heads.

"And the check of vinculum starts with a simple sample to make it more clear on how it works" the advisor pointed.

Daw' and Isaa came forward to show the sample. They both sat across each other and on the count of three, Daw' froze the water in a golden bowl. The advisor asked the people.

"Anyone wants to try to unfreeze it?". People murmured. The minister of Health, who was nearly 1013 stood up and used his powers to unfreeze it. He tried very hard until his face turned red.

Many ministers tried and failed. The advisor spoke, "The power can be reversed by only Prince Daw's family and his wife. And now I request Lady and Princess Isaa to try it".

"Woah, your idea isn't it? To rub that I got none!!" asked Adrian.

"You are delusional Adri. We are doing this to show how 'check of vinculum' is done to the people who are from other planets including people from your planet EILA" replied Litwin.

Adrian mimicked him and drank the water from his glass. Everyone looked at Isaa expectedly. Isaa smiled and unfroze. The crowd clapped their hands.

"Now, everyone will have an idea 'how this is done I guess. Prince Litwin will do the same thing, that is, freeze the water and if Alicia is the future wife and Queen of Hesy she will be able to unfreeze it." the advisor spoke.

Litwin and Alicia came forward and sat across each other after a small bow. "And start" the advisor commanded. The whole court went silent watching the two. Litwin froze the water. Suddenly the room became chill and freezing. Murmurs and gasps broke out in the room. The water in all the glasses froze.

Even the waterfall froze.

"Never less from the heir" told a voice.

"He can't control?" asked another voice.

"During 'check of vinculum' you are not supposed to hold back" explained a Hesian to the people from the other planet.

"Can she unfreeze it?" asked another.

"If she is his wife, then she can" answered another.

"Does anyone want to try it?" asked the advisor. Nobody stood or came forward. "Can his two brothers unfreeze?" a voice asked. "No. Since according to the prophecy, Prince Litwin is the most powerful and his powers can be only reversed by her highness, his mother and his highness, his father and his wife" answered the advisor.

Everyone looked at Alicia. A small smile appeared on Alicia's lips. She waved her hand once and all the water unfroze and the normal temperature returned. Everyone cheered and clapped and shouted crazily.

The King walked down from his throne and smiled. "Everyone, please stay for lunch and let's celebrate," The King told.

"Woah!!! Dude. You are great. You froze all the water on the planet and you got yourself a wife~" Adrian told in glee. "Talk more and I will freeze your tongue and crush it" Litwin replied as he walked back to his room.

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