Chapter - VI - TRICKS

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"What you doing here kids?"

"We are on a vacation. This is a nice picnic spot so we came here to hang out" Adrian spoke nonchalantly, his back facing the source of the voice.

Suddenly Adrian, Litwin and Isaa paused. Isaa's eyes widened and Litwin bit his lip and turned around.

There stood a lean figure and he wore a dark black cloak hiding the face and horns protruding from its shoulder and it had only three toes on its leg.

"Good day Sir. We are here to have a look at the prophecy book of Hesy. I m Litwin, the future heir of Hesy and this is Adrian, the future heir of Eliza and this is Princess and Lady Isaa of Hesy and Eliza." Litwin spoke.

"Good day to you too, Litwin. But it looks like the king of CLESR wasn't informed about your arrival so I came here to look" The guard replied.

"As far as we know, no one lives here right?" whispered Adrian. Isaa whispered back "Why are we only able to hear the voice and not see the guard?".

Litwin's eyebrows knitted in confusion. "You guys can't see?" he whispered questioningly. Isaa was hit with a realization. "Litwin, no matter what don't look into his eyes. Avert your gaze calmly. Don't let him become suspicious of you" Isaa whispered smiling. "Why?" mouthed Adrian.

"Remember that Clesr uses tricks to make the people who enter never leave? This guard is one of the Clesr's tricks" Isaa whispered. "What? How did you find out?" Litwin whispered back.

"Are you kids going to whisper all year long? Since you found out I m one of Clesr's tricks, I got nothing to hide" the guard told grinning.
Adrian laughed awkwardly. "You see, we came here to check an info but unfortunately we didn't find it and we didn't see anything, so why not let us go?" Adrian tried to reason out.

The guard laughed wickedly. "No one who enters can leave. It's the rule of CLESR" he said. 'What should I do?' thought Litwin.

"Well, Good luck getting back" told the guard and disappeared in thin air. Adrian sighed. Isaa was thinking something very deeply. Litwin tapped on her shoulder and asked "Everything alright? What are thinking so deeply?" Isaa replied. "Something doesn't add up. I m not able to pinpoint but something is fishy"

"Let's just return and come ba--" Litwin's words were cut by Adrian's shout "I never thought we would come back here after what happened in Clesr." Litwin looked at him. "I know right. It's good to be back. Woah. My baby Daw'" told Isaa and ran fast and hugged the pillar in the library.

'What the heck is happening?' Litwin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, seeing the two behave weirdly. 'Oh no, they fell into an illusion' Litwin thought and followed them and tried to talk with them. "Guys. Guys. Look. It's an illusion. We are still in Clesr. Wake up from the illusion" Litwin told.

They didn't care and continued blabbering. An idea popped into Litwin's mind. "It was damn crazy right? Oh, wait a sec. We left the heir sword of Adri's there." Litwin spoke dramatically. Then he acted like he was frustrated.

"Oh no. Without that If I go home, I will be disowned" Adrian waved his hands frantically. Litwin nodded. "Let's go back and take the sword and come back" Litwin said with enthusiasm.

"No way. What if we couldn't return?" asked Adrian. "We are going with Daw' and Asheil. Look at them" Litwin told as he pointed at two tiny stones.

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