Chapter XXXVI A What?

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"Now. Now. Are you drunk Litwin? Mistaking me for your fiancée?"

Litwin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion."What do you mean?"

Twil gave a mocking laugh and waved dismissively "If you got nothing else to say then I m going. I m tired after a long day with my friends"  Something came over Litwin, an urge to question whether Axel was present but he silently clenched his jaws concentrating on the other matter in his hand.

"Alicia. Are you acting like this since you don't want anyone knowing that you are Twil?"

Twil stood rooted and sighed heavily.  She glared at him and walked inside.

Litwin followed her inside. Twil ignored him walking back to her room inside. He followed her like a lost puppy. "I m sorry Twil. I didn't mean to"  Twil lied quietly on the bed and mumbled. "Space travel is indeed tiresome. And Litwin." she got up from her bed walking towards him. "Walls have ears"

Litwin understood what she meant and played along. "Sorry, Twil. I mistook you for Alicia"  he apologized and winked playfully. Twil rolled her eyes at him.

"What are you doing here?" Twil asked opening her wardrobe to find her night dress. "I came to see you. I missed you" he said not taking his eyes off her fearing to miss her reaction while Twil's hand froze midway. She ignored the thumping sound and laughed humourlessly.

"Nice one Litwin but I m not in the mood for it," she said. Litwin sighed. It was half true. He wanted to see her even though it was only a few hours since he saw her at the banquet. He found himself wanting to be around Twil.

"There is a problem. I don't know who else to confine to and the only person I want to is you" he said softly. The chill breeze or his words brought chills down her spine and she didn't know whether it was because of the first one or the latter.

"I will fresh up and be right back. You might be exhausted, rest for a while and your favourite food in the fridge heat it up." she said pulling her long silky hair into a bun and walking towards her bathroom.

Litwin hummed as he got up, walking down. He saw the maids bringing in a huge photo frame and hanging it on the wall. His breath hitched. He had many clues pointing out that Alicia and Twil are one person but he seemed to be so engrossed with irrelevant things and missed it.

The huge photo frame had Twil in the middle King Namz on the left side with Queen Laya on the right. They all were laughing heartily in the photo which had the famous El river from Mikra as the background. (Mikra : the planet which Alicia/Twil lived)

He quietly walked into the kitchen and took his favourite food out of the fridge and shove it in the microwave. He held onto the kitchen island taking deep breaths. He heard footsteps approaching.

"You don't trust me enough to tell me this?" he turned towards her while she stood eying him up and down. She ignored him opening the fridge, taking a chocolate milkshake and gulping it down. "I don't know what you are talking about" she shrugged. He walked close to her and there was only an inch distance between them.

Twil looked at Litwin. His bangs were slightly longer which were parted and his eyes were mesmerising as usual. The air became heavier as no one uttered a single word. Twil sniffed the air and coughed. She opened the microwave off and glared at him while Litwin smiled at her sheepishly.

And that's why they both were walking towards the convenience store at 11:31 at the night. The snowing has stopped but the ground still held the evidence of the snow. The soft crunch of the snow and the quiet breathing was the only sound between them.

They entered the store and Twil went to the chips aisle grabbing the chips of her choice. Litwin grabbed a few drinks and food. After walking out of the store, they sat on the bench outside. Twil encouraged him to speak. "you said you have a problem you are facing for which you need the best advice"

Litwin snorted. Twil munched her chips waiting for him to speak. He explained everything to her starting from the conversation to how his brothers were going to talk to his father.

"Ash heel and Dawin said these?" she asked. "Asheil and Daw' not Ash heel and Dawin but yeah. They did" he clasped his hands together and pressed them against his forehead.

"You are suspicious about it too? Aren't you?" she questioned leaning forward. He nodded. "They can sense powers from 5 metres and having a strong power, I m sure they sensed my presence." Litwin said slowly.

"But then why did they intentionally lie to you?" Twil asked while Litwin shook his head in defeat. "That's the thing I don't know"

"Do you that there are something that you don't know and they are trying to save you?" Twil prompted. Litwin chewed his lower lips in thought.

"Probably. So come. Let's leave. We got many things to figure out" He extended his hand and Twil took it.

"Um, Litwin. Why are we getting inside the park?" Twil asked after Litwin took her inside the park which was closed. "We are going home" he answered. "Hahahaha. You have a bad sense of direction Lit. It's that way" Twil said pointing out and walking away.

Litwin was about to follow Twil when he felt someone holding his hand. He turned to find Twil. "What the heck?" he questioned confused.

The girl holding his hand took him near the park and looked around for any presence. "Litwin. What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here!" she cried.

"Explain. Alicia or Twil. Whatever your name is. I need an explanation" Litwin crossed his arms. The girl closed her eyes and answered "Alicia."
"What? What Alicia?" he asked even more perturbed.

"I m Alicia. The one who you saw back there was" she drew a sharp breath and answered

"My Twin, Twil."

Pardon me for my boring and short chapter. I m so exhausted these days so my brain could muster only this short boring idea. I will make it up with a nice chapter or "Update the first chapter of My dear Alpha".


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