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They laughed together. Unaware of the eyes watching them.

One of them belonged to Litwin. He stood there beside the benches for students who wish to study outside.

He was looking at them walking out of the school with their laughter echoing in the silent night. Litwin turned around but his leg slipped. He caught himself and avoided the fall luckily.

He sighed and turned to find a grey hoodie looking in the direction where Twil and Axel walked. The grey hoodie-covered person turned around but since it was dark Litwin couldn't see his face. Litwin squinted his eyes to take a look but the other person ran away inside the school.

'Why the heck did he run away? Was he spying or stalking them?' Litwin thought and followed him. The grey hoodie turned around to the left and Litwin rushed up to catch up but slipped due to his wet shoes. He stood up and turned around the corner, when he found Ashton standing there in his grey hoodie with his phone in his hands.

'Hey, Ashton. What are you doing here?" Asked Litwin. Ashton turned around and smiled. He opened his mouth when his phone's ring cut him off. "Um hello?...... Yeah. I'll be right there" Ash spoke on the phone.

"I m sorry Litwin. I gotta go right now. My nephew is sick. Bye. See you tomorrow" He said sprinting.

Litwin nodded and went near his locker and found his phone inside. He picked it up and put it in his back pocket and walked through the corridor. The moon shone its silver light on the floor through the glass window.

He went back to his house and lied on his bed. "Instincts never lie. Instincts always point out to something we failed to see" he recited from the book he read on Hesy.


The corridor was filled with laughter, comments and talking. Twil rushed through the students and slammed her locker open and searched for her Assignment. When she arrived, she heard Dominic talking about the assignments due so here is she.

Even though she knew she left it in her house, she hoped somehow it would run from her house and magically squeeze itself into her closed lockers. She sighed and hung down in defeat.

She entered the class and she lied on her desk and sulked. Kate noticed it and questioned "You okay there? You look like a fish out of a pond" Twil waved her hands dismissively and sulked more.

Mrs Avley entered and the first thing she asked for was the assignment. "Ian. Collect everyone's assignment and leave it in my place." she said walking out of the class.

"What's wrong Twil?" Misha asked concerned. She was about to sigh when May interrupted. "Don't sigh or sulk. Tell us, only then we will know whether we can help you are not"  "I left my assignment at home" She said dejectedly.

"Is that all?" Litwin scoffed. "I thought something big will be there but who knew this is the matter" Kate said while Ree agreed.

"Litwin. Mrs Avley asks for you." Ian announced. Litwin nodded and got from his seat and went out. "Do you think Litwin is single?" asked a girl in the class. "Of course not. A guy hot, handsome, cool like him prolly won't be single" another replied.

May rolled her eyes and they started talking about Rachel's party which is two weeks away.


"Throw the ball. Throw it to Easton. Throw it!!" the coach's voice rang in the basketball court which had a fierce competition between Axel and Ashton with five on each of their team. Axel once again dribbled the ball, moved swiftly across Ashton and shot the goal and the others cheered loudly.

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