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And the figure looked at the three with a smirk.


The figure jumped onto the ground and the assassins who were hurt whimpered and bowed. The figure's scarlet lips held a small smile which gave the assassins chills. They were not used to the Highness's smile.

"Dominic. Get them all treated. Good work everyone" The figure spoke waving dismissively and started walking.

"Your Highness. Why didn't we kill Litwin? it was a perfect chance" Dominic spoke out and immediately regretted questioning. "Punish me, your Highness. I spoke too much"

A smirk played on the figure's lips and he turned around to face Dominic. "How can I let him die in other's hands?" His voice rang.


"Ouch. Be gentle" Litwin whimpered while Twil was furiously dabbing cotton against his wound.

"Are you hurt too?" Litwin asked Adrian while Adrian proudly dusted his shoulders and shook his head no.

"Twil. It was pretty dangerous. You shouldn't have been there and Are you hurt too?" Litwin crooked his head and peered at Twil. Twil huffed and Adrian answered "For the sixth time Litwin. You are asking it the sixth time"

"But she didn't answer. Twil. Are yo--" Litwin's words were cut off by Twil sticking two band-aids across his mouth. "Shut up for a while" Twil ordered. For some reason, she was angry at him for fighting alone and was scared that he might hurt himself. For playing the saviour role and getting hurt.

"Shouldn't your wounds have healed already?" Twil asked and Litwin pulled out the Band-aid and spoke "They applied some poison which doesn't let the blood coagulate. It will take a few hours" Litwin said and Twil turned around while he wore his shirt.

Litwin paused and bite his lips. "Damn it" He muttered which caused Twil to turn. "What? Do your wounds hurt?" Twil rushed by his side and questioned. Seeing worry written all over her face, Litwin's smiled inwardly.

"Yo. Lit! Adrian. Why isn't he responding?" Twil asked Adrian who was witnessing the scene. Adrian shrugged. Litwin cleared his throat and spoke "Adri. How did you know we were in trouble"

"Uh. A guy wearing a white suit came running to me telling me that you were in trouble" Adrian said scratching his jaw. Litwin closed his eyes and opened them again. "They wanted to know whether you still had your powers. They didn't want to kill us for now since their motive was to test you"

"Why did you come to save Litwin? Perhaps did you remember something?" Twil asked clasping her hands. Adrian rolled his eyes and spoke "Yo. I don't have any memories related to him or whatever he said and how can I not help when the white suit guy told me I can help him."

Litwin smiled but the smile never reached his eyes. "Not again. I have seen this smile from the moment you landed here and even after knowing this Adrian is alive, you still give this smile?" Twil asked trying to make Litwin smile.

"If what you are saying is true, does that mean I m a prince?" Adrian asked ignoring Twil.

"Yes" Litwin said with a curt nod.

"Then why does this tree branch address me as 'this Adrian' instead of 'My prince'" Adrian asked with air quotes.

"Huh? Tree branch? Do you want me to push you from the cliff next time?" Twil asked pulling her sleeves up.

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