The Missing Crown ⚜ Ch. 3

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Classes started the next day, and he anxiously greeted his professors from previous years. He hoped they wouldn't turn against him when everything was said and done.

Sitting in Transfiguration and Conjuring class, he found himself analyzing the others. The professor seemed mild mannered and easygoing. A witch he knew from last year, Avantika, was mysterious but not dangerous.

As he considered everyone, two witches that looked unmistakably like twins came to sit at his table. Their hair was pulled up into high ponytails, and were both so slight that the uniform looked more like robes on them. He saw they each wore a ring on their right hands - undoubtedly their focuses.

"So, what do you think, Anka?" the brunette said.

"You know what I think, Luka," the blonde replied. They both looked to Teyrn. "What's your wand core?"

"I don't have a wand," he told them.

"Your focus then," Luka asked.

"I don't have a focus either."

They glanced to each other. "You must be a warlock then," Anka surmised.

He smirked. "Not quite."

They gave him a strange look. "That would mean you're a mage. It takes much too long to learn magic that way and still be able to keep up in school."

"My parents are both mages. They knew a few tricks."

The twins nodded in surprise. "Well then. We'll try to keep up with you," Anka said.

The professor then came to the front of the class to start the first lesson. The class and the rest of the day passed slowly.

By the time his last class was out, he was tired and ready to get to his homeworks, but there was something he wanted to find first.

Searching around the lower levels, he finally found the door that led to the dungeon. Checking to make sure no one else was around, he opened the heavy door, closing it behind him. The torches then lit on their own as he walked down the stairs.

The place was dark and musty, hiding untold secrets. And one that he alone knew. He started looking around for clues that would lead him to his prize.

A strange sound made him freeze. Scuffling on the stone floor set his heart racing. Unsure whether it was human or animal, he found himself turning back and hurrying to the stairs.

He would find the clue later.

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