The Commoner ⚜ Ch. 6

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Claire quickly learned that Catina and Ameerah were the most competitive girls in the first year class. And they would do anything to get leading roles.

When the day of the Jewels auditions came around, Claire was determined to prove her skill on the stage. She wanted the part of lead Ruby, and she knew her competition was going to come from the older classes, not Catina and Ameerah.

The Jewels Ballet is divided into three parts. The first is Emerald, featuring two leads, and is more of an emotional scene. The second is Ruby, which is energetic, flirty, and acrobatic. The last is the sophisticated Diamond, exacting precision of its performers. 

Lead Ruby and especially Lead Diamond are the most coveted roles, no matter what anyone tells you. Lead Emeralds at least get to be part of the trio, but the red and white are the real prize.

As she watched the first auditions for Emerald, she put her hands over her heart as one of the dancing couples had such remarkable, raw chemistry. He kept his gaze on her as they danced, and it seemed to everyone watching that he was surely looking at the most beautiful girl in the world. His eyes betrayed his affection during the entirety of the passionate dance. It was like a love story unfolding on the stage, when in fact there was no story at all.

Amiko was beside her and raised a brow at them. Claire grinned. There was no acting in that performance.

When they were finished, the Ruby auditions were set to begin. Giving Amiko a quick glance, she hurried to join the others. 

"You're auditioning for Ruby?" Ameerah asked. "You do know this is the most difficult part?"

"Yes. Clearly you're aware of that as well," Claire replied quickly. None of their mind games would work. Her skill and practice would speak for itself. 

Madame Selina raised her voice from the front row of seats alongside Master Ashton - the head of the professional dance company. "Thank you for that lovely performance. The Romerra twins and Lord Carter will be the Emerald leads. Next will be the Lead Ruby tryout. First up, please take the stage."

Claire watched anxiously from backstage, cringing as the first two to audition couldn't even complete the routine. Catina and Ameerah were third and fourth, and at least completed the dance. The fifth was a third year that was fairly good. She made a few mistakes, but she was the one to beat. 

Claire took the stage after her, taking the starting position and putting on a smile despite the nerves. The music began, and she knew she had to dance like she'd never danced before. Her rythum, her steps, the energy, the acrobatics, it all had to be spot on.

As she performed the demanding dance, people began to cheer at her remarkable flexibility, strength, and energy. This encouraged her, and she let herself get lost in the dance. Like she'd known from the time she was five - she belonged on a stage.

When the music ended, even Master Ashton stood to applaud her, beside an enthusiastic Madame Selina. "Bravo, Miss Hudson! Most impressive! The role of Lead Ruby is yours! Diamond Lead audition is next. After that the additional dancers will be assigned their roles, or gemstone rather."

Claire stood there, breathing hard. Had they really just... She got the part?! Just like that? She went off stage and found Amiko waiting.

"You. Were. Amazing!" she gushed.

"I got the part..." Claire said numbly.

Amiko grabbed her shoulders. "You got the part!"

A smiled then seized her lips and she covered her mouth, lowering her voice. "I actually did that. I'm a first year. They don't give the hardest lead to first years!"

"You mean they gave it to the wrong first year." Catina brushed roughly past her.

Amiko stuck her tongue out at her from behind. 

"I'm going to go change, " Claire said. "I'll meet you back here." As she went in, people cheered, clearly for the Diamond auditions. She'd find out who it was in a bit. But for now she headed to the locker room.

As she went in, someone threw something. 

"That little rat lied!"

Claire quietly closed the door and slipped into her locker. She stepped on something, and looked down to see a ballet slipper, glittering with a slightly unnatural glow.

"Oh where'd it go?"

It was Catina. 

Holding the shoe, she stepped out. "Looking for this?"

Catina wheeled around and gasped. "Give me that!"

"Why is it glowing? Couldn't complete the dance yourself and got magic help?" she questioned.

The girl glared at her. "You can't prove anything. The spell is already wearing off and will be untraceable. Now give it back."

Claire wasn't going to let her get away with it that easy. "Let's test your theory. Madame Selina!"

"Shh! Are you out of your mind! I'll be expelled!"

"You should have thought of that before you started this whole scandal."

"I didn't win, okay? I cheated and it didn't even work." She looked defeated, and there was somthing in her eyes that made Claire realize she didn't have the full story.

She tossed the slipper back. "If I ever suspect you of cheating again, you might as well pack your bags." With that, she went to her locker, quickly changed, and left. 

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