The Strongest Princess ⚜ Ch. 1

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Princess Devna Adhikari of The Kingdom of Nepal Knight Academy - 15✧❈✧

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Princess Devna Adhikari of The Kingdom of Nepal
Knight Academy - 15

Too much had happened here. Too many close calls.

The old headmaster looked down the dark passageway, and a chill ran down his spine.

No. It was time to close it off for good. He closed the second door with a resounding thud, locking it securely.

Taking the keys and a book, he brought them over to the window to use the moonlight. He set them on the ledge and pulled a knife from his belt. Opening the book, he started carving out a hollow interior. He'd clean up the mess later, stuffing some of the pieces back into the hollow. As soon as the indentation was deep enough, he placed the keys inside it.

He closed the book on it and turned it so the spine faced him. Taking the knife, he carefully scratched away at the title of the book so that no one would ever think to take it.

If they did, they would have a treasure hunt on their hands, trying to find the doors it unlocked. Perhaps by then things will have changed. The world was slowly becoming more civil, after all.

All he could hope was that things like this never happened again. In a school of high profile youth and royalty, danger was always a threat.

Taking the hollowed book, he brought it to the library. He climbed a ladder to place it up as close to the top as he could, tucked away in the shadow of the shelf.

There. The old Knight headmaster climbed back down and stared at the book. He'd done what he could. Perhaps now his students would be safer.


It had been years since Devna had ridden a train. She'd been a little girl visiting India the last time. Racing along the French countryside, she looked out the window intently. This was such a beautiful place.

As she headed through this unfamiliar place, she hoped that she was really ready. Her tutors at home were the best, but could she keep up with the Western students? Her kingdom Nepal wasn't exactly the hub of higher education. She hoped that one day she might be able to change that.

The train started to slow as they entered a town, and she started collecting her things along with a few other students in uniforms. When the doors opened, she shuffled along with them out onto the platform.

There was someone waiting with a large RA sign for the academy students (thank goodness). "Royal Academy students leave your bags over here. They will be collected and brought to the school in the car behind yours," the man said. "Please make sure they're properly marked."

Devna followed the other half dozen students to a waiting limousine and climbed in. They were all quiet except for two boys who were clearly friends.

The drive didn't feel very long at all after her extensive journey, and they soon passed through a small village. In the distance she could see the towering Royal Academy. Tomorrow she'd go there for orientation. But she was one of the early arrivals.

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