The Imperial Witch ⚜ Ch. 1

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Her Imperial Highness Princess Faraja Iyasu of The Ethiopian Empire Magic Academy, year one - 15 ✧❈✧

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Her Imperial Highness Princess Faraja Iyasu of The Ethiopian Empire
Magic Academy, year one - 15

"Please don't bite me..." the witch pleaded. The magic plant snapped as she tried to get an enchanted seed close. "You'll continue being ornery until your mate is planted next to you. Now please just... let... me..."


She nearly dropped the seed and got a nice stinging bite from the plant. "Valentina, I almost had it," she pouted.

Her friend shrugged. "Sorry, but the bell just rang. Hey, where's Duma?"

The princess nodded to her left. "Right here."

The cat meowed and licked its paw.

"Ah, she is just so cute!" Valentina awed, going over to pet her.

Faraja cleaned up her station in the greenhouse, letting the girl stay for a minute before saying, "Careful, you know she's a real cheetah made small, right?"

The wizardress stepped back, her violet eyes wide. "You failed to mention that. So, a real cheetah has been wandering the dorms...? While we're sleeping? Our throats exposed?"

Going along with it, Faraja nodded. "I see she's started playing with a tiger cat. I'd bet they both underwent the same spell."

"Uh huh. Nice kitty..."

Seeing her friend's hand dangerously close to her wand, she dropped the game. "Just a kitty, Val."

"What?" she squeaked. "Faraja you absolute monster!"

She laughed. "Oh! Speaking of monsters, have you read about that lake monster they found in Scotland?" Standing by her cat, she sprinkled a little enchantment over it, trying to lengthen its fur for winter.

The girl pursed her lips. "No. I have not. Now come on, we're going to be late for class."

The princess grabbed her bookbag just as Valentina grabbed her wrist. She couldn't help but smirk as she was practically dragged out of the greenhouse. "Bye Duma. Be good."

The cheetah cat meowed.

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