The Commoner ⚜ Ch. 4

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The last class of the day was Theatre, and she was just as excited for it as she was her other classes, if not more so. She quickly changed out of her tutu and headed towards the smaller practice theater she'd seen at the back of the school. 

Walking along the halls, she looked out over the water - which the school came right up to. She could see the lush green on the other side of the lake.

Suddenly she collided with someone, sending both their books strewn across the hall.

"Oh I'm so sorry," she apologized. "I wasn't paying enough attention."

The young woman chuckled. "Well you certainly know how to get attention."

She glanced up from gathering her books and noticed four things - one, her emblem and crown were gleaming gold, which meant she's royalty, two, her uniform wasn't for the Arts Academy, three, she was very beautiful with captivating grey eyes, and four... People were staring. 

"Heh, right, I suppose that will do it," she replied, embarrassed. 

She helped pick up the rest of her things before helping her to her feet. "There. You alright? That was quite the fall."

Claire was burning up with embarrassment. "Just a sore knee. I'll be fine. Thank you, your highness."

"Good day to you then." She smiled, and as she started to walk away, Claire's curiosity got the better of her.

"Can I ask you something?" she called after her.

She glanced back. "I suppose."

"What school is your uniform for? I've seen a few today." 

"The Knight Academy. Most of us are here for Lady Aveline's etiquette class," she replied.

"I see. Thank you." She smiled and half waved, quickly turning and following the crowd towards the theater room. Getting her nerves under control, she admired the practice space. But even with the opulence, a stage was still a stage.

She sat down next to someone on it and whispered, "Is this where we're supposed to be for Theatre?"

The girl nodded. "I think so. I'm Mercy Akinyi."

"I'm Claire," she smiled. 

"Hello Claire. So, this third year and I were just discussing whether Disney's shows count as art. This whole Snow White thing everyone's been talking about?"

She gasped. "Oh I loved Snow White! It's definitely art. The music, the story telling, the drawings - it's theatre on a flat stage."

Mercy Akinyi grinned. "That's what I was thinking. See, told you," she said, playfully punching someone in the shoulder.

Claire smiled. She could tell this was a spunky girl she was going to get along with well.

A man then came onto the stage. "Settle down everyone. I know it's the end of the day and you're all excited. I am Professor Singh, the director, instructor, overall professor of theatre. Before we begin with some warm ups, I'd like to say a few words."

While he talked about the art of the stage and such, Claire couldn't help but think back to the princess's haunting grey eyes.

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