Curse Of The Desert Sun ⚜ Ch. 8

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Aten was tired and mentally frayed after the long night. Watching the werewolf prince whimper and growl all night wasn't exactly good on his psyche either.

Sitting in magic healing class, he saw Olek coming over to talk to him.

"I might have a potion that could help you," the redhead whispered. "It looks like a temporary help, but you might be able to use it."

The prince's tired aureolin eyes met his. "A temporary fix for what?"

Olek sat down beside him and pulled out his notebook. "Not a fix, just something to... soothe the effects for a while. It lasted about four months for Ivan."

He nodded and sighed. "Isn't there a cure? Somewhere, there has to be..."

A girl in a saree and the uniform jacket turned around in her seat. "Psst. What are you two talking about?"

"Avantika, leave them-" her friend started to say. But she leaned over and whispered something that seemed to change his mind. "Do you think they'd share?"

"Share what?" Aten found himself asking.

The friends exchanged a glance, and the Indian girl whispered, "There's these first years that found something, and ancient magic. They sent one of the amulets to Brazil I think, but they have the other one somewhere. I think he said they're called the Amulets of Mary Ten, or something like that."

Aten nearly fell out of his seat as he lunged forward. "The Amulets of Mertiaten?"

They all gave him a look. "Right, that's it," the boy said, raising a brow.

"Where is he? What's his name?" the prince asked, not caring about the sound of desperation in his voice.

"I think I know him," Olek said. "His name is Baltazar."

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