The Strongest Princess ⚜ Ch. 8

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Devna was fascinated, seeing small branching off rooms containing unknown secrets. Her own breath seemed loud in the narrow space. But as she went further down, something changed.

She realized she was no longer alone.

With her sword at the ready, she tried one of the doors, and found that it opened. Waiting in the shadow, she heard people coming down the stairs. Closer, closer...

She wanted to swing out, but Elle was the one closest to her. And so she waited for them to get a few steps ahead.

"Let her go!" she said, pointing her sword at the man.

He spun around, and his own blade crossed with hers. "We're leaving," he stated firmly, pushing her sword back.

"No you're not."

Devna gasped and turned to see Headmaster Negro coming down behind them. His sword was at the ready, his eyes steeled.

"Unhand her," Negro ordered, raising his blade.

"There's no time. Come on." Grabbing Elle's hand, the would be knight started running down the stairs.

"After them!" Devna and Negro chased after them, finally reaching the end of the stairs and entering a dark room.

In the blackness, she saw sparks fly off the two men's swords as they met. The sound of the metal meeting metal was almost deafening, echoing off the walls.

"Would you stop this?" the man grunted. "I'm not trying to hurt her! I'm trying to protect her!"

"Is that true, Elle?" Devna asked. There was no reply. "Elle?"

The two men stopped fighting and fell silent. They could hear footsteps heading away from where they were.

"Where did she go? Find her!" Negro barked. He turned back to the stairs and the man followed him.

Devna was left in the small room alone, but could still hear the footsteps. She stepped forward, feeling for the wall, but found an open passageway instead. If the true kidnapper had managed to slip around them while they were fighting, he could have grabbed Elle and gone this way. Encouraged, she started feeling her way forward.

She only hoped she'd get to her friend in time. And that the darkness wouldn't work against her.

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