The Enemy's Ambassador ⚜ Ch. 9

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The time of the art festival and competition in Paris arrived. After months of practice and planning, the Acadmy was ready. They loaded onto a bus and drove up to France, where other schools were arriving as well.

Rolf sat next to Yosef on the way up. They were mostly quiet, enjoying the scenery and silent company. He brought his camera to practice with, fiddling with it on the drive to make sure the film was in properly.

When they arrived in the city of lights, the sun was just starting to set. They stopped first at the hotel, dropping off the bags before going to the theatre. It was a beautiful building with a beautiful stage.

Professor Singh stood up at the front of the bus when they stopped. "Alright, all the set crew, let's unload and set up. May I remind you how particular these people are on how their shows are run. So let's make this quick and professional. Everyone else, you are free to roam Paris until seven o'clock. Lord knows we couldn't keep you rascals on a leash that long anyway. You are to meet up with us at the restaurant next to the theatre, and afterwards we'll have our first performance. Please behave!"

Everyone was excited as they piled off the bus, eager to explore the bustling city.

Rolf smiled and took Yosef's hand. "Come with me. I want to see the Eiffel Tower."

He grinned. "You read my mind."

They followed the river until they could see the spire above the rooftops. Rolf snapped a picture and pursed his lips. "Yosef, sit on that wall there for a minute."

He did, admiring the tower the whole time. The wind blew at his jacket and scarf a little, making the perfect picture. Rolf smiled and put his camera around his neck.

"Isn't it striking?" Yosef asked.

He smiled, looking at him. "Very."

They wandered the city until seven, then ran back to the restaurant to meet the class. They had fine French cuisine (some managing to steal sips of wine from passing waiters) and then went next door to the theatre.

If the exterior of the building was impressive, the inside was truly grand. With marble and gold inlay, it looked almost more like a palace. And the stage was just as marvelous, with an embroidered velvet curtain, enchanted to draw back perfectly every time.

They passed by other schools putting together pieces of their sets at the last minute, doing costume alterations, and reviewing scripts. They were led to a preparation room with its own dressing rooms, where they quickly prepared.

When it was time for the competition to begin, they joined other schools in costume in the seats.

Because they were doing a scene together, Cora sat to his left, and Yosef to his right. As the lights went down, Cora put a hand on his leg. "Are you ready for our debut?"

He smiled politely and nodded. "Break a leg, yes?"

She grinned and leaned against his shoulder.

Uncomfortable, he leaned to his other side. "Are you nervous?" he whispered to Yosef.

He shrugged. "Oh, just a smidge," he said, and Rolf could hear the anxiousness in his voice.

He took his hand and gently squeezed it. "I've seen you on stage. You'll do great."

The first school went up and did an excerpt of Romeo and Juliet. The second did an angsty modern play. When they were finished, the Arts Academy stood and filed out to go backstage.

They waited in the wings until an attendant ushered them onstage. Rolf took his place, holding up a sword with two other nobleman. The curtains opened and they began a spirited excerpt from The Three Musketeers.

Then the tone changed, and Rolf came to center stage with Cora. They had a lover's quarrel and made up with a passionate kiss and promises and other sickly sweet things.

When it was done they had a considerable round of applause, taking multiple bows. Rolf smiled. No one was afraid of him here.

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