Of Heart & Duty ⚜ Ch. 10

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Three Years Later

On a crowded street in Morrocco, a couple rode a scooter down the road. Suddenly the man driving pulled off down a side street.

"Why are we turning here?" Mireya asked.

"You'll see." He stopped in front of a restaurant, still closed for the morning. Getting off the scooter he kissed her cheek. "Wait here."

She watched him go back toward the bazaar, intrigued. A few minutes later, he came back with something wrapped up in his scarf. The princess grinned. "What did you get?"

He smirked and held out the wrapped object. "Why don't you find you?"

She giggled and started unwrapping the scarf. "A lamp?"

He nodded excitedly. "Just like Aladdin. I found the prettiest one. You like these, don't you?"

Her smile turned nostalgic. "I remember you got one years ago. I kept it on a shelf at home. It's still there."

His eyes widened. "The one across from the window in our bedroom? I had no idea." Admiring the lamp for a moment, he looked at her. "Well, if you don't want this one, maybe we could sent it to your friend."

"No, I want to keep it. Every year on our anniversary we can get a new one, and our grandchildren can play with them to try to figure out which one has a magic genie," she grinned.

He laughed. "Careful, one of them just might. When is your friend getting married again?" he asked.

"Zahir and Kana are getting married on the twenty fourth."

Raphael nodded and wrapped up the lamp in his scarf again. "It must be a bit odd, seeing your two best friends marrying each other."

She snickered. "I introduced them. But no, I'm just glad they're happy."

He smiled and leaned down to her level. "And are you happy, Mrs. Cervantes?"

"I know I made the right choice," she smiled, rising up a little to kiss him. 

"When did you know?" he asked.

She thought for a moment. "I remember, I was going to see the headmistress about something, and King Arinsal was talking to his son in his office. I was never one to eavesdrop, but I did that day. He said, 'Follow your heart. You know your duties - to your family, to your kingdom, and to yourself. Do what you know is right, and what feels right. Your head and heart won't lead you astray often.' I always remembered that. At graduation, it was the only thing running through my head, over and over. I looked at you, and knew that my heart hadn't led me astray. The right choice turned out to be in line with both my duty and my heart."

He hummed in appreciation. "I know I made the right choice, my beautiful princess."

She smiled. "Come on then. Let's go home and put this lamp up next to the other one."

Raphael smiled. "Alright. I'll leave the decorating to you, Mireya." 

They got back on the scooter and went to the main street again. She held the lamp in her lap, her arms wrapped around her husband thinking how good it was to be home at last.


Thank you for reading and voting on the twentieth installment of the Royal Academy Diaries series! 
Keep reading for the grand finale where everything comes together! There is ancient magic, a nation in turmoil, and a Mage with a life changing decision to make.

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