Of Heart & Duty ⚜ Ch. 8

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Sabrina spent the better part of the morning getting ready for the mismatched tea party. It was a fun and exclusive event that only the most popular girls were invited to - only forty every year. The girl in charge had to ensure everything was perfect, from the napkins to the beautiful invitations. 

She was one of the few lucky ones that had been invited twice. Few second years were ever asked to come. Last year she'd worn a pink dress, but this year she decided on a more grown up and modern red gown in the fortuny delphos style.

As soon as she was ready, she took her favourite teacup and plate and went down to join the other girls. A tent had been erected in the gardens, and tasteful music drifted out over the grounds. Inside were tables of sweets and different teas, all of the highest quality. 

"Ah, there's Princess Sabrina. Come over, you're sitting with us," a girl named Brena beckoned.

She followed her to the table and saw this year's party arranger standing next to it. "Hello. Oh, Countess Laora, this is lovely. Well done."

"You think so?" the girl smiled. "I hoped to make it a bit more modern than last year. You and I were some of the only second years to go, so what do you think of my take on things?"

"It's perfectly memorable in all the right ways," the princess assured her.

"Good. We're just about to begin." Laora nodded to an attendant who rang a small bell. "Come take your seats, ladies. Welcome to this year's Mismatched Tea Party. I am your hostess, Countess Laora Hoffman. Thank you all for coming, and please enjoy the most exclusive event at the Royal Academy." She sat down and Sabrina gave her a reassuring smile.

"Well then. I suppose we ought to make introductions. I am Princess Rabiya," another girl at the table said.

"I am Lady Rovena, Laora's best friend."

"Viscountess Brena Kilan."

"Lady Sita Kaur."

"Princess Mireya Sabrina."

The other girls looked at her and smiled. "Oh. What a lovely name," Sita remarked.

"I didn't know your first name was Mireya," Laora said, surprised.

"I've come to appreciate it again recently," she explained with a small enigmatic smile. "Oh, I just have to try one of these scones. They look divine."

Rabiya nodded. "Yes, let's pour the tea. What kind did you choose for this table, Laora?"

"It's a subtle mint. My taste testers thought it was even better than the peppermint."

They all took sweets and chocolates from the platter in the centre of the table, enjoying the treats for a while. Every now and then, someone would comment on the vintage 20's decor items or someone's hair. Once the sweets were gone, they were left with just the tea. 

"I have to say, my own china is still my favourite," Brena said, admiring her teacup. "You can't go wrong with Celtic knots in decorating."

Laora grinned, holding up hers. "I would say the same about fleur de lis."

"Oh, by the way, have you seen the designs for this spring?" Rabiya asked. 

"Ooh yes, I was looking for an Easter gown earlier," Sabrina smiled. "I love the catalogues the school gets."

Brena gave her a rather odd look, something resembling a smirk. "Yes. So do it. It seems you are fond of what else the school is offering this year too."

"Oh? What do you mean?" she asked.

"A certain professor seems to have captured your special attention," Brena said, giving her a pointed look.

A blush crept up her cheeks. "Oh... Professor Cervantes and I know each other. He's the duke of Spain."

"Mm. And conveniently young and handsome too," Rabiya suggested.

Oh, why did these girls have to bring it up? Anywhere but here with the worst gossips in the school... "I-"

"Tell us, is there anything between you two?" Sita inquired, leaning forward and resting her chin on a hand.

Sabrina swallowed. "Anything between us? Well I... I couldn't say that, exactly. I mean, we kissed once, but-"

"You kissed him?!" Rovena said a bit loudly.

The princess blushed beside her. "He- We are betrothed. It's not wrong..."

Sita raised a brow. "Isn't it?"

Unable to clear her mind enough to reason with them, Sabrina suddenly stood. Without a word, she left the tent, nearly bumping into someone on her way out.

"Sorry, sir," she mumbled, looking up in surprise when he put a hand on her arm.

The young man didn't look like a student as he smirked. "It looks like you aren't the only one with an older guy after her."

Unsure of what he meant, she blushed even more furiously. Embarrassed and conflicted, she went out of sight of the party, sitting down on a stone bench and trying not to cry.

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