The Imperial Witch ⚜ Ch. 10

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Bain grimaced at the taste. "Ugh, what is this? What happened?"

Medea and Samira fell back, relieved and exhausted. Faraja joined them and let out a huff. "Is he back?"

Valentina had returned and was helping dab off the potion with a kerchief. The others watched from a ways back as they seemed to laugh.

"How is she going to explain what happened?" Medea wondered aloud.

"A potion went wrong and spilled on him. Easy enough." The princess chuckled, "He seems to be taking it well enough."

A voice from behind them startled the three girls.

"What's going on?" Salma asked.

Faraja spun on her heel. "Oh, hello. We were just-"

"Your friend had a potion incident. I think it's all taken care of now," Samira jumped in.

"Oh. I hope he'll be okay." She frowned. "But you all aren't dressed for the ball. It's about to start."

The three friends exchanged glances before taking out their wands and focuses. In a whirlwind of sparks, glitter, and coloured ribbons of magic, they each got dressed in their gowns.

"If you'll excuse me, Jasim will be wondering where I am," Medea said, curtseying to the princess before hurrying off.

Samira looked back to see Valentina casting the same spell. "I'll uh, go check on things over here. Excuse me."

Faraja was left with the princess, and she wrung her hands as she looked back to her. "So, where's your date?"

She blinked and glanced away, looking a bit embarrassed. Had she just caught her staring? "Well I... I tried to find you, but you were always one step ahead of me. One day you're off studying somewhere, and the next you're planning the ball." She half smiled. "I wanted to ask you to go with me. Forgive me for not being able to."

Her eyes widened. "Really? How kind of you. So who did you ask in my place? I-I mean, who's your date?"

"Well, no one actually. The truth is I can't stop thinking about that day in the gardens." She grinned. "Or you with snow in your hair. And I didn't want to ask anyone else." Clearing her throat, she asked, "So, who are you going with?"

Faraja shrugged, "I got so busy with planning the ball I didn't really think about that part."

The princess looked hopeful. "Really? I don't suppose you'd care to go with me then? I mean you got all dressed up..."

She chuckled. "Really?"

Salma held out her hand and smiled. "I'd be honoured if you would accompany me, Princess."

With a smile, Faraja took her outstretched hand. "Please."


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