His Favourite Muse ⚜ Ch. 2

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The school was buzzing when the rumor surfaced that the British royals were coming to visit the school. 

Jeong-wu wanted to catch a glimpse of them. On the Saturday they were to stop by, he set up an easel in the gardens conveniently close to the entrance.

Sometime before noon, an armoured car pulled up, the royal crests waving. Having painted a background of the garden, now he hoped for a good enough look at the royals to add them to the scene.

The Queen got out of the car first, and was followed by her two daughters, the little princesses Margaret and Elizabeth. To his surprise, Headmistress Bartolini met them outside, where they began a discussion. While they talked, the guards followed the wandering princesses, trying to steer them to a grassy spot.

Jeong-wu smiled as one of the princesses started twirling. Her little pink dress flared out as she giggled. It was perfect. he opened a small jar of pink paint and started adding the girl to his scene.

Meanwhile, King Arinsal and and the castle gardener arrived and took the royal discussion inside.

The prince stayed even after the royals had left, perfecting his little painting. The guards started to let more people outside, and while the voices didn't bother him, he was self conscious as he critiqued his work.

Soon, two voices stood out above the rest.

"Oh look, it's that prince from our first hour. What was his name?"

"I'm not sure. We spoke once, I think."

"What's he painting? It looks good. Can we go see, Minato?"

"Akiiki, I'm not sure he'd want-"

"I'm going to go see. Join me if you want."

They were coming over?! Minato was coming to see his painting... 

The prince and his friend came up behind him, looking over his shoulders. He tried not to ruin the painting in his nervousness.

"This is very good," Minato said after a moment.

He looked over his shoulder at him and smiled. "Thank you." His lips quirked in a grin and he somewhat playfully asked, "I don't suppose you'd let me paint your portrait next?"

His eyes widened. "Oh? I... suppose you could if you wanted."

"Oh yes, you should! You'd make such a lovely portrait," his friend encouraged.

Seeing his discomfort, Jeong-wu teased, "Or I could always draw cartoons. Do you like Disney?"

Minato smirked. "Very funny. When do you think they'll make a Japanese princess?"

He smiled. "Perhaps after I do a portrait of you in their style, they'll make the next prince Japanese."

The prince laughed. "Well, um, it was nice to meet you..."

"Jeong-wu," he filled in.

"Jeong-wu." He smiled. 

As he was about to turn to go back, Jeong-wu said, "I'm serious though. I'd love to paint your portrait sometime."

He looked back and nodded. "Alright."

As soon as they'd left, he put down his brush. Hearing him say his name was perhaps the greatest victory of the day, of which there were many.

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