Circus ⚜ Ch. 9

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A short while later, Andrae was debating life. Where did he really want to go? What opportunities were really his to enjoy? Who was he really? 

Trying to clear his head, and escape the ever-present noise of the dorm, he found himself wandering to the dungeons again. But the sound that greeted him upon entering was less welcome this time.

A girl was crying. 

Concerned, he looked in and around the cells for her, finally finding her at the end of the row.

"Kezia?" he rushed forward. "What's wrong?"

She looked up, a bit startled. "Andrae! Nothing, nothing's wrong."

He sat on the short ledge with her and took her hands in his. "Clearly something's bothering you."

She finally sighed and looked down. "I know my worth. I'm just sad no one else sees it in my family."

He smiled sadly. "I know exactly what you mean." Thinking for a while, he said, "Why don't we go see them? I hear your Aunt Jaanika is an excellent fortune teller."

Kezia sniffed and wiped away a tear. "I should go see them."

"Come on." Helping her to her feet, they left the dungeon and the castle, going down to the village to see the Roma.

When they arrived, the travelers were dancing for the crowd, pure joy reflected in their faces.

Kezia held Andrae's hand as they watched. "They're not crooks. They are just honest people who love life and travel and people and beauty. We are Roma, with rich heritage, and a past of persecution that has no place in this modern world."

He nodded and turned to her, gently tilting her chin up to look at him. "You and I deserve to be here. We earned it. We're not thieves or cons, and while there are always a few in every family, it doesn't define who the rest of us are."

Tears misted her eyes, and she bit her lip trying to hold them back. "Where were two hours ago?" she asked with a tear-choked laugh.

He offered a small smile. "Figuring out exactly what I just told you."

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