The Commoner ⚜ Ch. 2

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Claire watched out the window as she drove up to the Arts Academy castle. Both sides of the road were flanked with flowers and perfectly manicured grass. 

The car stopped, and attendants got her bags out from the back. But she knew to not get out. The car started again and followed hundreds of others on their way to the Royal Academy.

The entrance to the second castle was even more grand, as was the castle itself. When the cab dropped her off at the gates, she felt so small. Carrying her small purse, she quickly felt out of place walking behind literal royalty. 

Entering the ball room, she gasped looking up at the incredible glass ceiling. The room was crowded with people from around the world, and she saw more crowns than she could count. She was half dazzled by the sheer amount of diamonds when someone said her name.

"Miss Hudson, there you are."

She looked over to see a tall Italian woman. "Headmistress?" she guessed.

"Yes darling. Come with me this way." She put a hand on Claire's shoulder and led her to a less congested corner. "Welcome to Andorra. We're glad to have you."

"Thank you," Claire nodded. She would curtsey, but she had no idea how.

"I must tell you, it is most rare that we would recruit a first year. But with your talent, I'm sure we will be surprised," she winked.

"Hopefully so."


First day jitters are a whole new creature when you are one of a few commoners at a royal school. 

At least everyone's basically wearing the same uniform, she thought. While she had no hair decorations of her own - like a tiara - she thought it was fun to see all that other girls did. Strings of pearls, hijabs and hair wraps with brooches, hats, and of course every design of tiara imaginable. 

Walking down the halls, she was unfamiliar with the culture this kind of place. Her manners were acceptable at home, but she wondered if there was more that she simply didn't know.

When she got to her first class of the day, two girls in small tiaras approached her.

"Oh, a bronze," one said, sounding disappointed. 

Claire glanced at the bronze emblem on her jacket and skirt and raised a brow. "What does it mean exactly?" She noticed that their silver crests were gleaming.

They gasped, in disgust or simply surprise she couldn't tell.

"An American? How odd," the other said.

The first girl sat down and rested her cheek on her hand. "My uncle has a time share in America. You've been to the Glacier Hotel in Montana?"

This was getting awkward. "No...?"

"Oh. What about Hollywood? The Empire State Building?" The noble gasped and lowered her voice. "Have you seen Bonnie and Clyde?"

Claire sighed. "Can't say that I have. I've never met a cowboy either."

The girls turned around when the professor walked in.

With a small grin, Claire realized she'd never been so excited to do math.

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