Curse Of The Desert Sun ⚜ Ch. 5

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The next few days were better, having eaten. But he feared the dark dreams, and wanted to avoid sleeping altogether. He probably could, but he desperately needed to remain as human as possible.

Hoping for a better night, he went to go find Okoye.

The curfews weren't in place yet, so he went to the girls' dorms and wrote a note. Then, using the magic focus ring that had belonged to Egyptian kings for almost a thousand years, (and using magic likely descended from the same sorcerer king that had cursed him,) he turned the note into a small bird and sent it up to her room. He waited until she came to the stairs.

"What are you thinking," she whispered.

He smiled. "Don't you trust me?"

She made a face. "You couldn't possibly need help with astrology this badly."

Stepping closer, he took her hand. "But I do. And you're so good at it. Please?"

Seeing his pleading face she muttered. "How have I never noticed how gold your eyes are? Oh alright, I'll do it. I have to wait until my roommates are asleep though."

He smiled. "I'll be waiting outside."

He watched her go back upstairs, then returned to his dorm room. Once his own roommates were asleep, he climbed out the window and down into the courtyard. Slipping through the shadows, he went towards the one open window, and climbed up onto the small balcony.

"Aten?" came a small whisper.

"It's me," he replied just as quietly.

Okoye parted the curtains and stepped out with him. "If we get caught-"

"We won't," he assured her. "Now, hold on tight." Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close, then climbed up the pipes onto the flat part of the roof.

She was breathing heavily by the time they got there. "That was terrifying. It's a good thing you're as strong as you are."

He chuckled and stood, offering her his hand.

Taking it, she shakily got to her feet. "Wow, I can't believe we're up here! On top of the ballroom..."

Aten grinned. "Now, for our astronomy lesson."

"Right," she nodded. They laid down and looked up at the brilliantly lit starry sky. "Now, what Professor Blake was trying to show us earlier was tricks for constellation recognition. So, start with Polaris."

He knew full well how to recognize constellations. The prince just wanted to be able to spend time with her without the sun threatening overhead. Here, they were alone, he'd eaten and so she was safe, and he was safe too.

"Does that make sense?" she asked finally, turning to look at him.

He smiled. "Absolutely." Reaching out, he brushed a stray curl away from her face. "Do you know how beautiful you are?"

Okoye blushed, already knowing what he was going to say. "Don't say it-"

He grinned. "My goddess." Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead as she covered her face in her hands.

"It's embarrassing," she muttered.

"It's the only word to describe how perfect you are. Now come on. Let's go back so you can get some sleep."

She shook her head. "Alright. Tease."

They got up and he pulled her into his arms. "Close your eyes," he whispered. Carefully, he jumped down from the roof onto her balcony, his curse allowing him the strength and stealth to be able to do so.

Okoye held onto him tightly, opening an eye to make sure they'd landed where they should. "How did you do that?"

He shrugged. "Can't tell you. It's a secret."

"I thought lovers weren't supposed to have secrets from each other," she countered sleepily.

"It's no secret that I love you," he whispered, kissing her. If only this wasn't so difficult... He quickly pulled away and nodded towards her open window. "Best be getting back to bed."

"You too. Goodnight Aten." She slipped behind the curtain, and he blew her one more kiss before jumping down.

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