The Danger Force Musical 3

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Harper knocked on the window, dressed in her new pirate clothes and a wooden staff with a blue gem on the top. Chapa opened the window rolling her eyes.
"What do you want?" Chapa asked. Harpers smug smile shone on her face, as she stepped in the room.
"You." Harper whispered pushing Chapa against the wall. Chapa hit the wall with a silent thud, staring into Harpers eyes. Her round black irises, perfectly shown off by her hazel eyes. Chapa couldn't help the slight happiness that filled her heart. Chapa tried to tell herself Harper was enemy.
"You want something from me? Hm. That's to bad. I mean, I am a villain." Harper teased. Chapa let out a whine.
"P-please." Chapa whined. Harper smirked, releasing Chapa from the wall who then whined in displeasure.
"Here's the deal. I'll give you whatever you want. All the love, all my attention. But you need to be a double agent. You need to come to my ship, hanging around the villains so they think Volt is our side, and spying for us, but you tell Loser Force that your spying for them."
Harper ordered. Chapa thought about it. Whatever she wanted. All the Harper she could dream about. All the attention.
"I don't know." Chapa whispered back. The two heard music. Harper smirked.

I was once like you, my child, slightly insecure (Harper)
Argued with my mother too, thought I was mature
But I put my heart aside
And I used my head
Now I think it's time you learned
What dear old mamma said

Don't you wanna be evil like me? (Harper)
Don't you wanna be mean?
Don't you wanna make mischief your daily routine?
Well, you can spend your life attending to the poor
But when you're evil doing less is doing more
Don't you wanna be ruthless and rotten and mad?
Don't you wanna be very, very good at being bad?

I have tried my whole life long (Harper)
To do the worst I can
Clawed my way to victory
Built my master plan
Now the time has come, my dear
For you to take your place
Promise me you'll try to be
An absolute disgrace

Don't you wanna be evil like me? (Harper)
Don't you wanna be cruel?
Don't you wanna be nasty and brutal and cool?
And when you join my crew that's when your reign begins
Who wants an evil girl without a sack of sins?
Don't you wanna be heartless and hardened as stone?
Don't you wanna be finger licking evil to the bone?

This is not for us to ponder (Harper)
This was preordained
You and I shall rule together
Freedom soon regain
Mistress of the universe, powerful and strong

Chapa, hear me
Help me, join me
Won't you sing along?

Now we're gonna be evil, it's true (Both)
Never gonna think twice
And we're gonna be spiteful (Chapa)
Yes, spiteful (Harper)
That's nice

In just an hour or two (Harper)
Our future's safe and sure
This two girl  act is going out on tour

If you wanna be evil and awful and free (Harper)
Then you should thank your lucky star
That you were born the girl you are
The girlfriend  of an evilicious queen
Like me!

Chapa instantly packed a bag.
"I'm in." Chapa announced. Harper laughed.
"I knew you would come to your senses." The two laughed before heading off to the Jolly Rodger.


"Maybe red. Kinda getting tired of wearing pink." Chapa asked. Harper was making Chapa guess the color of her new outfit. Harper gave a giggle revealing a dummy wearing her new outfit. It was a red t shirt, with jewels around the colar. There was a red leather jacket like Harpers, with teal swirls. A shredded red skirt with teal rope belt. Underneath black leggings and silver combat boots. Her hat was a dirty brown, with an assortment of red, silver, gold, and white seashells. Her normal mask would also go on perfectly.
"What do you think? Made by yours truly." Harper asked. Chapa felt the new clothes.
"I. Love. It." Chapa whispered. Harper smiled. She set the dummy down, did something on a screen and handed Chapa a gum canister.

Chapa blew a bubble and transformed. Her clothes shining in the little light that lit up the room. Chapa smiled before walking over to Harper.
"You said I can have whatever I wanted..." Chapa lead off. Harper frowned.
"After I tell that excuse of a crew. They better be mopping the deck or they'll get an earful from me." Harper muttered. The two walked outside to see the villains slacking off.
"HEY! What do you scalawags  think your doing lazing' 'bout! Get back to work! 'Ain't paying ye to sit 'round all day am I?" Harper yelled. "There's gonna be a change 'round 'ere so listen close. Volt is working for us now. Hurt her and ye be thrown off the side of me ship us hear!"
"How do we know we can trust her?" A villain asked causing the others to agree and whisper before Harper banged her scepter on the higher level. The attention was drawn to the girls as Harper pecked Chapas cheek, an audible gasp heard about the ship.
"Me girl would never do such thing bad to me crew. Now back to work!" Harper ordered bringing Chapa inside.
"Now... I made a promise... and I'm going to show you that I can keep that promise."

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