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"Okay, now that's over with, I thought we would start a book club."
Everyone in the class groans. But Harper, groans the loudest. She hated reading. She never read books.
"We are reading my book, "Man I Feel Like A Hero: One Captain Man's Journey of Self Discovery (A Captain Man-ifesto * A True Story of the Boy Who Became Captain Man)!""
Harper got up and hid under her desk.
"Books are scary."
Ray pulled Harper out from under her desk and sat her down. Harper opened the book up to the first chapter, and stared at the page. It taunted her. The letters ran ramped around the page, mocking her.
"Harper why don't you start us off."
Harper groaned.
"Can Mika start off? I need to go to the bathroom."
Ray shook his head.
"You went right before class."
Harper groaned as she stared at the page.
"Okay! I read it!"
Ray sighed.
"Out loud."
Harper felt her heart beat faster and faster. She stared as hard as she could at the words, but they only went crazier. The letters would not sit still. Harper knocked the book off her desk.
"I don't wanna read this! It's boring!"
Ray scoffed. He picked the book up and placed it back on Harpers desk.
"Just read one page Harper!"
Harper knocked away again.
"No! I hate reading! Readings for nerds!"
Mika looked offended.
"It is not!"
Harper slammed her head against the desk and moaned.
"Harper come outside with me for a minute."
Harper knew she was in trouble. They walked outside and Ray got down on his knees.
"What's going on Harper. This isn't you."
Harper sighed.
"I just don't like reading. It scares me."
Ray brushed her cheek.
"What's so bad about reading?"
Harper sighed.
"The letters never sit still. They always run around the page and I never know what they say. If they aren't running around, they change colors, or they make funny shapes and faces. They never let me read them."
Ray thought about this hard.
"Then let me help you."
Harper nodded. They walked back inside and sat down. Ray pulled up a chair in front of Harpers desk. He pointed to the first word. Harper stared at it and twisted her head. She tried to pull the letters back to their spot. Harper sighed as she gave up.
"They won't stay still."
Ray sighed as he took three pencils and made a box around the word.
"Does that help?"
Harper nodded.
Ray nodded as he moved the tracker.
He moved the tracker to show three words.
"Just kinda captained? What the heck does captained mean?"
Ray laughed. Harper didn't find it very funny. She stood up and knocked the book away. She stomped out of the classroom and sat outside. Ray sighed and walked out. He sat next to a tired Harper and held her hand. Schwoz came out with a small rectangular piece of plastic.
"This is so you can track where you are and keep the letters from escaping."
Harper stared at the plastic rectangle. Harper smiles as she stood up. They walked back into the classroom as Harper sat down.
"Do you think this can help her Schwoz?"
Schwoz nodded.
"Dyslexia. She probably has Dyslexia. But that will help her."
Harper started to read a bit quicker. She started making less mistakes. Then she finished the page. Harper sighed as she put the tracker down. Mika went next, she accidentally finished the chapter. Harper was already sleeping on her desk. Chapa was too. Schwoz blew his 'Hey' horn, but Chapa and Harper slept right through it. Ray grabbed Harpers shoulder and shook it a bit.
"Harp come on wake up."
Harper lifted her head up and put it back down.
"We finished the chapter."
Harper jumped up and ran around the classroom.
Chapa woke up and watched Harper. She started laughing as Harper jumped on her desk and started to dance.
"It's over! The horrible chapter is over!"
Harper jumped onto her chair and spun in circles.
"I'm never reading a book ever again!!"
She screamed, sending her flying across the room. She giggled as she ran around.
"Alright settle down before you burn the school down!"
Harper nodded as she sat back down. Though her book was already in the trash. Ray picked it up and turned it to chapter two.
"Chapter two. Harper, why don't you read the first page?"
Harper looked at him and grinned. She concentrated and Rays pants fell down.
"I hate reading!"
Harper yelled as everyone laughed. Ray tried pulling his pants up, but Harper kept pulling them back down.
"Harper! Let me pull my pants up!"
Harper dropped them and laid back in her chair.
"One page Harper. It's just one page. Use the tracker if you have too."
Harper nodded and set the tracker on the page. Slowly, she read sentences, and finished the page. Harper set the tracker down and looked up. Ray smiled and nodded at Harper. Harper felt much better that she was able to read the page. But then reality struck her and her smile instantly fated away. Her friends saw. They saw her struggle. Harper felt weak. She felt helpless.
"Okay guys lunch."
Harper teleported to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Nothing looked appetizing. She decided she was not hungry. Harper walked through the hall and slammed her bedroom door shut. She had 20 minutes before she had to back to class. Harper looked at the Will and read it slowly. She always read slow. But when it was a page like that, she had more control. But the letters decided to dance today. Harper turned her head as she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in."
She said weakly. Chapa and Mika peaked their heads in.
"Harper. We're concerned."
Harper decided to play dumb.
"I don't think I follow."
Chapa stood next to Harper.
"What happened in class today?"
Harper was scared. She didn't want to admit that she can't read.
"I don't know?"
Chapa looked at Harper.
"Why didn't you wanna read?"
Harper stood up.
"I just don't like reading! It stinks!"
Harper sat back down and stared at the colorful plastic. Chapa placed her hand on Harpers shoulder. Neither of them had any idea what they were going to say. Harper let out a sigh.
"I... I have trouble reading. The letters dance around the page. They turn colors, they never let me read them! And we never learned how to read in school either. Only bomb drills and how to be a criminal or fight crime. Never reading."
Chapa let out a breath. She thought it was something worse.
"That's it? Harper there is nothing wrong with having trouble reading! Everyone has trouble with something. It just happens to be reading isn't your thing! But that doesn't mean that you aren't the same person, it just makes you more you."
Harper smiles and hugged Chapa.
"Yeah you're still Harper. Having a hard time reading doesn't change you! I mean wearing shirts for pants is worse then having a rough time reading!"
Harper laughed.
"I guess you're right. I just didn't want you guys to think I'm dumb."
Chapa laughed.
"You're not dumb. And even if you are, you're my dummy."
Chapa kissed the top of Harpers head. Harper was alarmed and made fake cough. She motioned over the Mika.
"Don't worry. I know all about you're little date on Saturday."
Harper sighed a breath of relief.
"Oh! And maybe Miles and Bose knows what went on Saturday..."
Harper and Chapa both groaned as Harper slammed her head against the wall.
Harper yelled.  Mika laughed.
"Well Miles came home and did the whole 'something's not right.' Thing and well, he kinda figured out and Bose overheard."
Harper hit the wall and sat down.
"Well there is no use in keeping a secret now!"
Harper kisses Chapas cheek making her smile. Mika giggled as they all walked out. They sat back down in their chairs and continued class. The rest of class was much smoother. And Harper felt relieved.

Hello DangerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora