Coming Home

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Harper got out of bed and walked over to her closet. She grabbed a jacket that had neon diagonal stripes going to the center zipper, and silver ruffles that were around her elbows. Her pants were black with silver pockets. Her outfit had a train on the back of it. She grabbed a pair of black combat boots that had neon purple around the ridge that held the laces. Harper pulled the hair chalk through her neatened curls. She chose Red and purple. Harper skipped over to her jewelry box and pulled out a black pearl and a red diamond. Harper smiles as she looked at herself in the mirror.
"Just like Char."
Harper giggled as she teleported to the classroom.
"Holy cow! What happened to Harper?!"
Bose yelled and caught everyone's attention. Harper smiles as she walked towards her desk. Ray walked through the door and took a second glance.
"Charlotte? I thought you and the boys were coming tomorrow?"
Harper turned around which made Ray jump.
"Harper I demand you to change right now!"
Harper stuck her tongue out and laughed. Then the security system alerted that three kids were at the door. Harper squealed so loudly she shattered a window. Harper flung the doors open and three teens stepped in.
"Char Char!"
Harper ran and gave Charlotte a big hug. Harper jumped up and down as she rattled on about random stuff to Charlotte before Henry interrupted.
"Hey Curly Sue! I want a hug."
Harper made a face before Henry snagged her. Harper squealed as she giggled. Henry put her down and she sighed.
"I'll get you Butter Beer."
"What ever Curly Sue."
Harper and Jasper nodded at each other.
Harper skipped off blabbing about nothing as she helped Charlotte with her bags.
"So how's Curly Sue been doing?"
Henry asked.
"Egh. It's a battle to get her to read."
Henry laughed.
"Dude. Never ask Harp to read! She slapped me across my face once when  I sat down next to her with a book."
Harper walked by and slapped Henry across the face.
"Because Ray made me read."
She said as she walked off. Ray stared at her as Henry broke into laughter. They talked for a little bit before an ear piercing scream of terror was heard.
"Henry?! I need help!"
The two looked at each other and ran towards the closet. Jasper was caught up in a net. He hung from the ceiling as Harper, Charlotte, and Chapa laughed at him. Harper held up a bucket as Jasper let out a defeated groan.
"I wanted the bucket... it was a trick."
Harper smiles as she held it by his face. Jasper tried to grab it but didn't.
"Let Jasper down."
Harper and Chapa let out an annoyed groan and helped him down.
"Jasper. How many times do we have to say that if it's on Harpers turf, it's a prank?"
Harper skipped around and giggled at her mischievous act.
"You better behave Harper."
Harper stuck her tongue out, and skipped down the hall.
"Harper scares me."
Jasper said as he looked over to Ray.
"Me too."
Henry laughed.
"You get used to it."
Charlotte looked over and scoffed.
"Harper is not scary. She so sweet."
Chapa nodded in agreement. They all went back to the classroom to find it a mess, with everyone freaked out.
"It's gonna kill us!"
Harper screeched as she stood on top of her desk with two plasma blasters in her hands.
"That thing had blood sucking fangs!"
Harper, Mika, and Bose, stood on their desks looking around, loaded with weapons. The walls had several holes in them, a window was cracked, and the classroom looked like it had seen better days.
"What did you do to my classroom?"
Ray gasped.
"There was a spider... and it tried to EAT US!"
Harper said, exaggerating.
"It had bloody fangs and honestly, I swear it was a vampire."
Mika said. Henry picked his foot up and stepped on a spider crawling across the floor.
"I killed it."
Harper jumped off her desk and held Henry in a big hug.
"You're a life saver Henry!"
Chapa stared at Harper and Henry and felt a bit of jealousy in her gut.
"I'm going upstairs."
Chapa muttered. Harper could read the room. She knew everyone was relieved the spider was dead. But she could read that Chapa was jealous.
"I have to get my water bottle filled from the kitchen. BRB."
Harper went up to the Man's Nest and saw Chapa sitting on the couch fiddling with her fingers. Harper walked up behind her slowly.
"Chapa... why are you jealous?"
Chapa turned her head and sighed.
"I'm not jealous."
Harper laughed as she sat down next to Chapa.
"Chapa you can't lie to me. It's impossible."
Chapa sighed.
"I just feel like now that Henry and the other two are here, that you won't love me anymore."
Harper giggled as she snuggled up to Chapa.
"I'll always love you."
"I love you Harp."
"And I love you too."
Harper kisses Chapas forehead and giggled as Chapa whined. Harper kissed her on the lips. Chapa felt a lot better knowing that Harper still had feelings for her. The kiss was not passionate, it was meaningful, and soft. It was Harpers way of apologizing. The two girls cuddled up on the couch. Ray walked in and saw the two.
"And we're back to this."
Harper giggled as she rested her head in the crook of Chapas neck. Chapa held on to Harper, like she would fly away if she didn't.
"Come on you two nuts. We have to get ready for dinner. Once Schwoz and Charlotte are done making it.."
Harper and Chapa go back down to the classroom. The two pulled their chairs up next to each other, and sat at the long table that was set up. Through out the whole dinner, Harper held Chapas hand. She had to cross her body to do it, but she wanted to hold her close. Charlotte leaned over to Henry and whispered in his ear.
"Somethings up with Harp and Chapa."
Henry sighed as he put his fork down.
"Yeah, but ignore that for now."
Charlotte nodded and continued to eat. Harper put her fork down and sighed. Chapa looked over in shock.
"You can't be full already?"
Harper laughed.
"Harp! You seriously only ate a tiny piece of turkey, a few pieces of potato, and that's it!"
Harper shrugged.
"I don't eat a lot."
Ray looked over all the kids. He felt like a father to them. But he knew he had to talk to Harper, and that would not be very easy. He had to ask her a very important question. He needed to take custody of her.
"Harp, come here I need to talk to you."
Harper got up and looked at him.
"Am I in trouble again?"
Ray shook his head. He walked with her outside. They sat down and enjoyed the cool autumn breeze.
"We can't put this conversation off any longer Harp."
Harper loved Ray. But she didn't know how being his 'daughter' would affect the team. That was the last thing she wanted.
"I know. It's just hard to think that someone like my Mom is gone. Because of a fire? Had to be a bad one to get to her. A silver bullet can bruise her but she dies in a fire."
Ray hated seeing his niece so upset.
"Hey it's all going to be okay."
Harper looked down.
"I miss them."
"I do too."
They sat in silence before Ray continued.
"But now you have Chapa, and the others. You have me and Schwoz, you have a big family here in Swellview. Now you get to enjoy it."
Harper nodded. Ray pulled the papers out of his back pocket.
"What's this?"
"These are custody forms. I need you to sign your name, so the court knows you agree to me being your 'Father'."
"What happens if I don't sign?"
"You'll get put in a orphanage, or be fostered. Or they will make you move back to Dystopia to live with Grandma."
Harper was already busy signing the papers.
"I don't wanna live with Grandma!"
"That's what I thought."
Harper handed Ray the papers.
"Let's bring these to the court tomorrow okay?"
They walked back inside, and all eyes landed on the two. Ray had a smile. Harper pressed a button, which released balloons, and a sign that read, Achieved World Domination!
"Oops! Wrong button."
Everyone stared at Harper as she smiled brightly.
"World Domination? Really."
Chapa said flatly.
"What? I have goals!"
"And one of them is I! Don't! Have! To! Live! With! GRANDMA! Hallelujah!"
Harper didn't mind that Ray was going to be her Dad. She cared she didn't have to live with her Grandma. Everyone laughed it off. Harper popped all the balloons in one zap. The sign, that hung from the ceiling. Harper and Chapa sat in their chairs talking.
"So then, I flood all the damns, and I become president, and I turn America, into Panam, and start the HUNGER GAMES!"
Chapa stared at Harper. As genius as her plan was, Chapa was busy staring into Harpers eyes. Henry and Charlotte sat across the room. They tried to figure out what was wrong, but Charlotte couldn't lay a finger on it.
"Do you think their in love?"
Bose and Miles sat at their desks talking about the girls, while Mika was busy doing something indescribable. Jasper talked with Ray and Schwoz. Harper noticed that Chapa wasn't paying attention. She gave her shoulder a shake, but nothing broke her stare.
"Chapa! Are you even listening?"
Chapa broke her stare and thought for a minute.
"Flood some damns, become president, World Domination! Mu-haha?"
Harper shook her head and laughed. She kissed Chapa on the cheek, grabbing Chapas attention, and making her whine.
"Not right now love."
Charlotte fell out of her seat. Henry started choking on his water.
"She just kissed her!"
Henry whisper-yelled.
"I know, I saw."
Harper grabbed Chapas hand and pulled her out of her seat.
"Where are you two going?"
Ray said from across the room.
"To get Chapa a drink from the kitchen!"
Ray nodded.
"No funny business!"
Harper rolled her eyes as they went up to the kitchen. Harper and Chapa laughed as they ran to the kitchen. They stopped. Harper turned around and met Chapas lips. She placed her hands on Chapas hips, and Chapa placed her hands around Harpers neck. The two kissed like that for what felt like eternity. It probably was close to eternity because Ray started getting worried.
"Hey Henry, Charlotte. Can you go make sure those two are okay? They been gone for twenty minutes!"
Henry and Charlotte nodded as they went up to the Mans Nest. They walked to the kitchen and peaked in. They saw the two giggling while wrestling on the floor.
"Hey you guys?"
Charlotte said scaring them.
"Yeah Char Char?"
Harper replies while standing up.
"Ray just wanted us to make sure you were okay. You've been gone for twenty minutes."
They both nodded as they grabbed the cup full of water. They all went back to the classroom, but Harper and Chapa both had big smiles on their faces. When they got to the classroom, they put the cup of water down and continued the wrestling match. They giggled as they rolled around, until Harper shrieked, and jumped onto her desk.
She screamed. Chapa climbed on her desk. The whole class hates spiders. Henry walked over and stepped on it. The girls calmed down and went to talking about who's teeth to break.
At the end of the night, all the kids were tired, that they fell asleep the moment hit the pillow.

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