Mud In Your Face

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"Jump!" Jefferson yelled. Harper jumped over the hurdle, and crawled under the netting, the boys, all slacking a few yards behind. Harper stood up and brushed the mud off her pants.
"Good work, Manchester." He said nodding. Harper smirked watching as the boys crawled to the finish line.
"Honestly, right now only one of you would make it through enlistment. Everyone sit down for a minute." He ordered. The kids all sat down as Jefferson ordered.
"I'm gonna tell you a story of the two most bravest people I had ever met.


About 41 years ago, two children came to this camp. A girl and a boy, who were both in love with each other. One day, she told him that she would never make it into the army, all because she was a girl. Do you know what that boy told her? He told her,
'When we live alone, war cares nothing to gender, when we're a team, gender equals one.' This boy and girl went on to do incredible things. They both fought in countless wars, saved their country, and managed to have four children. Unfortunately, 31 years ago, the husband died, leaving his military wife and four kids behind. His wife continued on in the army as the children were put in the care of their grandparents and uncle. After the first son came to this camp, he decided to enlist. But, the others all died before they could enlist. All except one. The baby. The only girl.


"YES SIR!" The boys shouted before breaking formation.


Chapa sighed as she slipped into the hot bath. The girls laughed as they saw the girl relax intensely.
"I told you a spa day is what you needed. Though this would have been easier if you didn't throw a tantrum for 2 whole hours." Mal laughed while rubbing her arm. Chapa rolled her eyes as she sunk into the water, taking in the smell of the bath salts. Chapa opened her eyes to find Mika half asleep on the other side of the pool/tub. Mal and Charlotte were laughing with Piper. Chapa, was daydreaming about Harper. Chapa felt a bit of water splash her, snapping her out of her imagination. Chapa shot up to find Mal laughing.
"So you wish to die?"


"So you wish to die?" Harper muttered before she ran head first at James, one of her cabin mates. The boys had fallen into line and were now respecting Harper. Mostly because they all were crushing on her. Right now, they were having a wrestling match in their cabin. Harper had attacked James and pushed home to the ground, grabbing at the boy as hard as she could.
"I surrender!" James yelled. Harper laughed as she got off and laid on top of the small chair.
"How can you wrestle so good? Your a girl!" Colton laughed. Harper rolled her eyes as she grabbed a crowbar and moved to a loose floorboard.
"I'm just that girl. Plus boys naturally suck." Harper laughed, pulling a glass bottle out of the floor. Cher Rámoneh Rośe Wine.

"Who's thirsty?" Harper asked, pouring herself a glass.
"Awe came on. We suck? You cant even bring us a case of beer!" Jackson, James's twin, complained. Harper tossed a three cans to the boys as she closed the plank back up.
"Yeah well I might suck with my taste of alcohol, but I know one thing." Harper laughed.
"Yeah? What?" Colton asked.
"That if my girlfriend found me like this, I would be dead." The kids all laughed as they drank the night away, aware of tomorrow's hangover.

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