Return of the Henry

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Harper slowly made her way into the Mans Nest, but stopped when she heard a voice.
"alright Uh- don't end anybody, and uh- make sure nobody ends you!" Ray. Harper walked in and squealed when she saw Henry and Ray dancing.  Charlotte was lounged out on the couch, while... ugh... Jasper was in...HER chair!
"HENRY!" Harper squealed, limping over to him, and getting picked up into a big hug.
"How's my little sister?" Henry joked. Harper smiled, leaning to Henry's ear.
"So? How's Chenry?" Harper whispered. Harper laughed as Henry's cheeks heated up.
"Oh shut it." Henry muttered. Harper jumped off of Henry's hip, and skipped over to Charlotte.
"So? How ya be, Charlotte Bee?" Harper asked, wiggling her eyebrows, resulting in a shove off the couch. Harper laughed as she rolled her eyes.
"Ah. Young love." Harper laughed.


Chapa scowled as she watched Harper and Henry wrestle on the floor. Harper was winning, but only because Henry was going easy on Harper because of her healing wounds. But that was only to Harpers advantage, Henry was getting beat up pretty bad.
"I got you!" Harper laughed as she collapsed on top of Henry. Chapa gritted her teeth as she marched over to Harper, picked her up, since she had the height advantage, and propped Harper onto her hip. Harper giggled as she twirled a piece of Chapas hair. Chapa glared at Henry as she bounced Harper on her hip. Harper was cracking up, before she wiggled her way off of Chapas hip. Harper went back to tackling Henry, the two wrestling about on the floor.

"Imma get you!" Harper giggled, throwing soft punches at Henry's shoulders. Chapa groaned as she stomped out of the Mans Nest, catching a side glance from Harper.
"Someone's on her period." Harper whispered as the door shut behind the moody teen. Henry cracked up as he rolled on the floor.
"Remember when you said that to Charlotte?" Henry remember as Charlotte laughed.
"Yeah! I got slapped!" Harper pouted.
"Someone should make sure she's okay." Mika stated.
"DIBS NOT!" Everyone but Jasper shouted.
"Dang it!" Jasper groaned as he got up in search of Chapa. Henry tried to grab at Harper before she slob out of the way and jumped on his back yelling 'Yah you horse! Yah!' Henry groaned as he carried a triumphant Harper around on his back. Henry sat down and gasped as he searched his wrists.

"Where did it go! Where'd it go!" Henry worried. Harper laughed as she held the blue bracelet and Henry snatched it back.
"What's that?" Miles asked.
"Only one of my most prized possessions." Henry said through clenched teeth. Harper smiled as she rolled up her sleeve, revealing an identical bracelet, yet it was pink.
"We got these a while ago when I lived in Dystopia." Harper informed.
"Lil Sister? Awe that's so cute!" Mika gushed. Jasper stumbled out, his shirt disintegrated, and cover in ashes.
"She's definitely on her period." Jasper whined as he flopped half dead on the ground. Harper laughed as she walked right over Jaspers body.
"I'll go talk to my little monster." Harper laughed. Harper walked down the hall and went into her bedroom, where Chapa was crying with Rocky in her lap.

"Crampy?" Harper asked, sitting next to Chapa.
"What? No." Chapa said confused.
"Three questions. Are you on your period? Did I do something wrong? And for Rocky, who's a good boy?" Harper asked, taking the energetic Husky out of Chapas lap, setting him on the ground to play.
"No. And yes." Chapa muttered, looking the other way. Harper smiled as she trailed her finger down Chapas jaw.
"Do I sense a bit of jealousy?" Harper asked, guiding her finger towards Chapas lips, who then tried to literally bite Harpers finger.
"Yup. Jealous. Got it." Harper noted, protecting her finger.
"Why are you jealous, princess baby?" Harper asked. Chapa frowned as she looked looked away.
"Because Henry... you like him more than you love me." Harpers heart dropped as she shook her head.
"Oh my goodness, sweetheart, no. Oh this is funny. Dear, Henry is like a brother to me. I know it sounds weird, but he was a big brother to me when my brothers weren't. Baby girl, Henry is my fourth brother, and you, mi amor, are my only love in the whole universe, my Ōjo.(Princess)" Harper whispered. Chapa snuggled up to Harper, now crying.

"Why are we crying now?" Harper asked through laughs.
"I just love you so much." Chapa whispered.
"How about you and me, just the two of us, go on a nice, relaxing date this evening? How does that sound?" Harper asked. Chapa nodded as she curled up into Harpers side.
"Yeah. Just the two of us. We haven't done something like that in over a year." Chapa laughed. Harper noticed Chapas messy hair and got up and got her hairbrush. Chapa instantly knew what was coming and turned around so Harper could easily brush her hair. Chapa sighed in relief as the brush flowed through her hair, and Harper hummed a soft tune.


Henry and Harper were in Harpers bedroom as Henry slowly inserted a piece of Harpers hair into the curling iron.
"Like this?" Henry asked.
"Yup." Harper approved looking in the mirror. Henry smiled as he pulled the hair out and moved onto the final piece. Harper handed him the flat iron to smooth out the curls.
"Are you gonna dye your hair soon?" Henry asked.
"I might. Though instead of chalk, I might go back to my purple low lights." Harper sighed.
"Remember that picture of you with your all purple hair. That's adorable. Chapa would love it." Henry reminded. Harper squealed as she came up with an idea.
"OMG! Me and Mal can go for a spa day! We can even take Mika, Chapa, Piper, and Charlotte!" Harper squealed. Henry smiled as he nodded, finishing Harpers hair.
"Done. Headband please." Henry announced. Harper handed Henry a purple headband that matched her dress perfectly.
"Boom! I did good this time!" Henry said, proud of himself.
"Yeah and you didn't manage to burn a piece off like last time." Harper complained.
"It was an accident!" Henry defended.
"Ha. Your a good bro Henry. AGH! I'm gonna be late! Poop ya later!" Harper shouted.
"Big brother huh?" Charlotte asked.
"Yeah." Henry said, very proud of himself.

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