The Danger Force Musical 2

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4 hours ago.
"Captain Danger! Come take your respectful place!" Frankini laughed. Harper turned around, an apologetic look on her face.
"It was this or Chapa dies. I had to do it." Harper whispered. Chapa let a small tear run down her cheek. She knew they were going to lose. Harper was the best singer on the team. Going up against her, they had no chance. Frankini of course was live streaming the whole show down. It was on a large ship, with every villain in Swellview dressed as pirates.

Harper blew a teal bubble, and transformed. She had a black mask on, her hair in long braids like Mikas, teal hair chalk ran through. She had a teal leather jacket, a teal skirt with black leggings and combat boots. She sported a leather pirate hat with shells all over it, and a metal sword. The team already thought ahead, and transformed.

Chapa and Mikas clothes looked the same as Harpers, but Chapa had pink, and Mika had dark blue. They also had no weapon or hats. Bose had a dark blue leather jacket with cargo pants. Ray, dressed in a red, black and white leather jacket and pants, his hair dyed white, and Miles had the same just more Dark blue and blacks. The mayor was tied up on a plank, being threatened by Minyak, who looked very different in pirate clothes then his usual clothes.

Note: I only used Descendants because it goes with the whole Dystopian vibe. Plus the songs rock.

Huh, let's get this party started (Harper)
I swear I'm cold-hearted
There's no negotiation
I'm not here for debatin'
You need some motivation?
Just look at the Mayors face
Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient
I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks
You either surrender or he'll be ripped apart

Now, let's all just be smart (Ray)
Although for you that must be hard
You'll get your way
No one has to come to any harm (Bose)
Don't try to intimidate (Miles)
Your bark is much worse than your bite (Chapa, Harper)
Who's the baddest of them all? (DForce)
I guess we're finding out tonight

Let's go, bring it on (Villians and Harper)
Better give us what we want
It's the Mayor for the town
If you don't, it's going down

Let's go, make your move (DForce)
Peace or war, it's up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don't, it's going down

We want the town (Villians)
Or else the mayors is gone
Your time is running out
You should really watch your mouth

Let's go, pound for pound (DF)
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up
It's going down

Yo ho, ho oh, oh, make the trade (Villians)
Yo ho, ho oh, oh, or walk the plank
Y o ho,ho oh, oh, make the trade
Yo ho, ho oh, oh, or walk the plank

Ok, look, this is not a conversation (Chapa)
It's a do-or-die situation
If you don't give me back the mayor
I'll have no hesitation
I'll serve you right here
And I don't need a reservation
That way your whole pirate crew can have a demonstration
Release him now, and we can go our separate ways
Unless you wanna deal with me and the DF's

So that's your big speech, huh? (Frankini)
An empty ultimatum?

All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him (Minyak)
Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him
And if he even starts to slip, I'll eliminate him
All it takes is one long look and I'll

Minyak! We get it, chill (Harper)

Let's go, bring it on (Villains)
Better give us what we want
It's the mayor for the town
If you don't, it's going down

Let's go, make your move (DF)
Peace or war, it's up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don't, it's going down

We want the town (Villians)
Or else the mayor is gone
Your time is running out
You should really watch your mouth

Let's go, pound for pound (DF)
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up
It's going down

Hey, we don't have to choose (Bose)
We don't have to light the fuse
Volt, whatever you do, it's gonna be a lose-lose
There's gotta be a better way
Frankini, I promise I'll give you your chance
You'll have your say

Silly boy! You? Give me? (Harper)
You're gonna give me a chance?
Well, not a chance

Yo ho,Ho oh, oh, make the trade (Villians)
Yo ho, ho oh, oh, or walk the plank
Yo ho, oh, oh, make the trade
Yo ho, ho oh, oh, or walk the plank

Let's go, bring it on (All)
Bring it on, it's going down
Time is running out
Bring it on, it's going down
Let's go, bring it on
Bring it on, it's going down
Time is running out
Bring it on, it's going down

Let's go, pound for pound (DF)
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up
It's going down

Yo, whoa, whoa, whoa, yo, oh, whoa, whoa, oh (All)
Yo, whoa, whoa, whoa, yo, oh, whoa, whoa, oh


Bose sat by his dads hospital bed. Minyak pushed the mayor in the ocean the second after the town deed was handed to Harper. Harper walked in, still dressed in her pirate uniform. A small bouquet of navy blue flowers in her hands. The team looked over, disgusted by Harper. Harper was tense.  The small Swellview flag pin on her hat had mayor written across it. Harper set the flowers in an empty vase, biting her lip.
"You guys sing really well." Harper whispered.
"I cast thee out!" Ray muttered. Harpers head swung towards Ray.
"W-what?" Harper asked, fear in her voice. Ray stared her down.
"I said, I cast thee out of Danger Force until she gets her ACT TOGETHER!" Ray yelled. Tears streamed down Harpers face.
"I didn't want it to end this way! I was forced to do it! I didn't want them to kill Chapa! She means everything to me!" Harper yelled. Bose stood up, anger in his voice.
"Yeah well my dad could have died if we didn't get him out of those shark infested waters!" Bose yelled. Harper looked over in anger.
"At least you have a dad! At least yours cares about you, unlike that one who's gonna cast his own daughter out because she tried to save her girlfriend! Why do you think I took you to Dystopia! It was so you guys see what was coming at you! I was forced to be a double agent! It's not my fault that I care about all of you like family! Is that where trying to care for your teammates gets you? Then you know what! Count. Me. Out!" Harper raged. The kids decided to go home for the night, but they all questioned where Harpers would stay.


Harper walked back on the ship, her hazel eyes were no longer shining, they were a deep, dark, black.
"Captain Danger? What are you doing here?" Boomer asked.
"That's mayor to you. Mayor Shadow. I'm the mayor of this town so you all work for me now."

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