Stay Safe

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Harper stares at the bored as Ray teaches. Ray looks around and stops as he sees Harper staring into space. Then, the emergency alarm rings, making everyone jump and send their chairs upstairs. Harper didn't sleep last night. She was overjoyed with the idea of reading, that she practiced all night. They got up to the Mans Nest, and Harper flopped onto the couch. She started coughing, and gripping at her chest. Her coughs turned to wheezing. Harper has her head down as she stared at her knees.
"It.... hurts.... bad."
She said when she inhaled a bit of air. Chapa ran over and rubbed up and down her back, patting it at some points.
"Alright! Harpers on the bench, you guys, let's go get some criminal teeth."
Ray announced. Chapa shook her head in denial.
"I'm staying with Har-"
"Go. Chapa."
Harper squeaked out.  Chapa sat down next to Harper, and grasped her cheeks in her hands. She planted a kiss on Harpers lips and pulled away, letting Harper get some air.
"Get better okay?"
"Okay Chapa. I will."
Chapa kissed her forehead and stood up.
"We'll be back soon."
Harper smiles and nodded, and started to cough again. They left as Schwoz came out with a red and blue inhaler.
"Take two puffs of this and your cough will go bye bye."
Harper took two puffs and started to instantly calm down. She started to breathe normally. Schwoz handed her a inhaler and a new pocket for her utility belt.
"I'll put it next to my pepper spray."
Schwoz shakes his head as Harper stared out the large window. Her eyes scanned all over town. Then, the sound of many feet hitting the floor knocks her out of her trans. Harper turns around expecting to see everyone again. But they all rush around, with Chapa in Rays arms. Harper instantly breaks into tears as she rushes to Chapas side. She's left speechless. She brushes Chapas cheek and cries harder.
"What happened to her?"
She said between sobs.
"Dr. Minyak blasted her with a pulse gun."
Harper starts to choke on her sobs as she rubs Chapas arms. She shakes her head quickly as she rushes away.
"This is all my fault. This is ALL my fault."
Mika walks over and places a hand on Harpers shoulder.
"Nothings you're fault Harper. She's gonna be okay."
Harper grabbed Chapas body and held her tight in her arms. She rested Chapas head on her shoulder, and her body in her lap. Harper held a quiet Chapa and slowly hummed a soft melody. The melody grabbed the attention of the others. They all stopped to listen. Harper was humming a song she wrote for her older brothers. They always encouraged her to sing, but Harper was scared. But she always pushed through.
Walk down the silver brick road,
Follow me through the forest,
Follow me all the way home.
For when you step so far away,
Never push dreams so far,
Keep them in reach for times of need,
And I'll always be in you're heart.
Harper continued to hum the song as the others listened in carefully. Chapa started to stir around in Harpers arms. Harper opened her mouth and everyone watched carefully.
Walk towards the ocean,
And go towards the blue,
Or turn towards the mountains so high.
Walk along rivers, and past the streams,
You're never too far from home.
Mika and Miles exchanged looks and concentrated on Harpers song. Chapa started to rub her eyes as Harper brushed her messy hair out of her face. Harper started to cry as Chapa woke up.
"One more verse Harper?"
Harper nodded and sighed.
Hold me close, or keep me far,
Stay you're distance and watch afar,
Or keep me close and never let go,
You'll always be in my heart.
Chapa snuggled her head up against Harper and let out a long sigh. She closed her eyes and smiled. Harper brushes Chapas cheeks and stared at her.
"What am I gonna do with you?"
She said. Chapa giggled and looked up.
"I don't know but you love this mess."
Harper laughed.
"That's right. I do love this mess."
The two girls stared into each other's eyes and smiled. It felt to them like nothing bad had happened. Mika broke the silence as she turned to Harper.
"Did you write that song Harper?"
Harper nodded.
"Yeah, I use to sing it to my brothers when they were sick."
Chapa reached her hand out and caressed Harpers cheek. Harper smiled and stared back into Chapas tired eyes.
"Chapa. I need you to blow a bubble."
Chapa smiled.
"I should be telling you that!"
Harper started laughing as she popped a gum ball in Chapas mouth. Chapa blew a bubble and returned to her normal clothes. But Harper couldn't pull her eyes away from Chapa. Harper didn't really care about if the others saw. She just wanted to stay with Chapa forever. Harper hugged Chapa tightly.
"Please don't get hurt again. It worries me."
Chapa laughed. 
"Speak for yourself."
The two girls giggle as they curl up on the couch.
"Hey lovebirds! We're going back down stairs!"
The two groan as they get up. They hold hands as they go over to their chairs and go back to the classroom. Harper and Chapa exchange looks and break out into a fit of laughter. Harper tackled Chapa and they wrestled on the ground giggling hysterically. The others look over and raise an eyebrow as they look at the two. Harper sits on top of Chapas waist and giggles. She rests her hands on both sides of Chapas head and kisses her cheek.
"Harper, I think you missed."
Ray rolled his eyes as he picked Harper off of Chapa. Harper pouts as she tries to wiggle out of his grip. Harper pouted as she was placed in her seat.
"Time for you guys to get on home."
They all said their goodbyes and went home.

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