Welcome to S.W.A.G

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The day at S.W.A.G started off normal. Actually, it was the perfect day. There were no emergency calls, or really any type of work. Ray walked through the door with a blanket that almost floated.
"Alright let's cut the chatter."
Mika rolled her eyes as she scoffed.
"We weren't even talking! Heck, Chapa's sleeping!"
Ray walked over and pounded his fists on Chapa's desk, startling her.
"Crime! I'm awake!"
Ray rolled his eyes as he returned to his spot in the front of the classroom.
"I figured that we could I don't know, how do I put this lightly. You guys need some professional help, so I hired an expert."
"So you brought a blanket..."
"No Bose! I did not bring a blanket. I brought someone much more useful. Meet Harper."
Ray pulled the blanket up revealing a girl, around 5'0. She had short brown hair, that landed at her shoulders, that had purple and blue hair dye stripped in it. She had green eyes, and her finger tips were painted with a light pink gel. She had a blue shirt on, that was slightly ripped at her stomach, and light blue ripped jeans. She had a small diamond earring in one ear, and a hoop in the other. Chapa instantly saw something, different. New. Nobody dressed like her.
"Harper is from Dystopia. So... she is a pro at crime fighting. I don't want to see you guys trying to kill her. Talking to you Scary Bradshaw. Especially because she is my niece."
Harper stood at the front of the class with her arms crossed. Chapa stood up.
"Do you have superpowers?"
Harper laughed.
"Can't be a superhero in Dystopia without them."
Ray pointed to a desk in between the normal square layout. It was a mix of red, blue, yellow, and grey.
Harper rolled her eyes as she walked over to the desk and sat down.
"Not a dog. How many times. How. Many. Times."
Ray started to teach a lesson about his battles. All before a marker streak ran across the board. Then a face, then it stopped.
"Bose really?"
Bose looked at his hands in shock as Harper laughed and put her feet on her desk.
"Harper! Did you do this?"
Harper shrugged as she leaned back in her chair and blew Schwoz's 'Hey' horn. She laughed as she threw it at the board earning a few chuckles.
"Harper! This is not playtime!"
Harper stood up and slammed her fists into her desk.
"As much fun as it is learning all about your 'heroic and historic battles', it's boring and I absolutely HATE it! When do we move on to the fun stuff!"
Chapa slightly smiled and stood up too.
"Yeah! This is boring! When do we become superheroes?"
Ray rolled his eyes. Harper grinned, she teleported over and messed his hair up and teleported back to her seat. Ray frowned as he fixed his hair.
"Harper! Before you burn this place down, stop it!"
Mika spun in her chair ignoring Ray.
"Wait! What else can you do?"
Harper sat on her desk and hesitated. Counting on her fingers.
"Teleport, Telekinesis, Scream and make stuff break, Shoot Volts of lightening from my hands, Hack into other people's brains... what else?"
Mika stood in disbelief.
"Wait hack people's brains?"
"I can make them see and hear things that are not there, or my voice."
Ray stood up with a head full of hair gel.
"And she is a lot like Chapa. Always has a frown on her face."
Harper and Chapa turn around with their arms crossed and a death glare. If looks could kill, Ray would be nothing but ash. Harper looked over and caught Chapa staring. They both quickly looked down, blushing madly. Harper didn't know why. Chapa was running through thoughts. She had just met this girl. There was no way she could have a crush on her. Or at least she thought.
Then, the siren when off. Harper smashes the red button on her chair and was off to the Man's Nest. Then Ray, Mika, then Miles. Chapa  sat still for a minute, before going upstairs. Chapa grabbed her gum and blew a bubble. They looked over to see Harper in an outfit similar to Henry's old outfit. Except her hair was in pigtails. Chapa caught herself staring when Mika nudged her.
"Chapa you never stare. What's up?"
Chapa shook her head while she walked away from Mika.
She muttered. They all crowded onto the couch as they watched to tv. Chapa stared at her lap. A voice came into her head and made her look up towards the board. 'I like your uniform. It's cool."
Chapa looked over and saw Harper smile a bit.
Harper smiles as she stared at the tv.
"Asta lo pizza! This is boring! I'm just going to fight Frankini now if you don't really mind!"
And with that Harper left. Chapa looked around and looked towards Miles.
"Miles! Get us there! Now!"
Miles teleported them next to Harper who, let out a high pitch scream. She caught her breath before a voice was heard behind them.
"Well look! It's Danger Force. And a little girl in piggy tails."
Harper stomped up to Frankini and punched him in the gut.
"That one was for getting us here!"
She then slapped him across the face.
"That one one was for calling me a little girl!"
Harper finished off with a punch to the nose.
"And that was to make things clearer! Frankini!"
Chapa felt a smile grow on her face. She decided to let her self have a crush on Harper. Only a small one. Chapa was so zoned out, when she blinked, she was held against a wall.
"Take one more step and she gets it!"
Harper scoffed and placed her foot a bit forward then before.
"You asked for it!"
As Chapa turned her head, she fell to the ground. Harper had teleported in front of her.
"Girl Danger!"
Chapa cried. She knelt down beside her and brushed the hair out of Harpers face. Chapa held Harper in her lap as she watched the others fight Frankini. They started sloppy, but got better. Chapa looked down and saw Harper get a bit restless. Then, Harper shot up and grabbed her chest, where there was a small hole in her uniform.
"Calm down! I got you! Your going to be okay I promise you!"
Harper looked around before meeting Chapa's eyes. Chapa brushed the hair out of Harpers face and looked around. Harper wrapped her arms around Chapa's neck. Chapa stop breathing before she held Harpers back. Harper hugged Chapa and rested her head on her shoulder.
"I tried to help. Though I only make things worse..."
Harper trailed off. Chapa chuckled and brushed the hair out of Harpers face.
"You saved my life Harp. I will never ever forget that. You made nothing worse."
Chapa said as she stared into Harpers eyes. Then, Harper was scooped out of Chapa's lap. Chapa frowned as she stood up.
"Are you okay kiddo? Let's get you back to the Man's Nest."
They all teleported back and blew a bubble. Except for Harper. Schwoz rolled out a large medical table and help Harper up.
"Okay you crazy kids go home. See you tomorrow."
They all started to head home but Chapa lingered behind them.
"Hey are you going to be okay Harp?"
Harper smiles. She felt butterflies in her chest.
"Yeah. Schwoz said I should be fine."
"Alright. Harper I need you to take your shirt off so I can see if it go to your skin."
Harper hugged Chapa while wincing at the pain in her chest. They pulled away and Chapa went down to the classroom.
Harper pulled her thermal shirt off to reveal a small bruise.
"Well it didn't get you that bad. No blood. I think you just got knocked out. You'll be fine Harper."
Harper smiles as she goes to her bedroom. She changes into a long tee shirt and falls asleep about the thought of living with her new friends.

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